“Geen tenemos nada, los huracanes nos llevaron todo”; the caravan of migrants does not run | Univision Immigration News

The caravan of migrants that last week passed from Honduras to the United States and that the home was flown with lacrimogenic gases and palaces in Chiquimula (Guatemala), recovered to fly to intention and follow north.

‘Ayer fue duro. We play golf and our tyrarongasse, but unfortunately not in our hirieron. My friends and I’m fine, ”Denis doubled down on another phone call, one of the 9,000 migrants who integrated the caravan, the last goodbye to Donald Trump’s governor and quizas the first to debate the incoming president, Joe Biden, who miércoles toma el control de la Casa Blanca,

The migrant, 33 years old, died in Honduras. We are from the Domiqui de Chiquimula (294 kilometers east of the capital of Guatemala). Casi nos agarran. The world is what we advise, only cayeron to palos. They (the tropes) are standing on the orders that receive them ”.

The periodical Free Press dijo en su cuenta de red social Twitter que fueron los migrantes “hondureños de la # CaravanaMigrahte2021 (quienes) se enfrentaron al Ejército en el km 177, Vado Hondo, Chiquimula”.

Denis lo niega. “They are our attackers and their advisers. We only want to travel to Mexico and follow it to the front of the United States. In our country, the world does not have anything, the floods (provoked through the passage of Hurricanes Eta and Iota in the finals of the 2020 season) will kill us all ”.

“We are unhappy”

Following the illusion of travel through the Joe Biden Electoral Trial on November 3rd. The Democrat announced that he would disarm Donald Trump’s migration policy and restore, among other things, the asylum system.

“Hope is the last thing to happen,” Denis doubled. ‘We do not have anything in our country and we do not have one. We have the fact that you are our listener, we have hope that our governor will enter us ”, agree, as long as I recognize that cruising Mexico will be difficult, the same thing will happen to the front.

For Denis it is not the first time he has traveled. “This is my third caravan. The first time I was develoier de Mexico and the second me agarraron (the Patrulla Fronteriza estadounidense) in Piedras Negras (Coahuila) with Eagle Pass (Texas) and me deportaron to Honduras ”.

Attorneys advised that the deportees has the opportunity to apply for asylum in the United States. And if they are arrested for a second time, they may be fined for doing so by the re-entry fee (they will be allowed to leave after a deportation), which will be punished with a fine before they are expelled again.

Los esperan en México

Despite the difficulties, Mexican activists are hoping that the caravan will clear obstacles and fall north, where it will be repatriated by the Mexican Migration Authorities and Security Forces as humanitarian organizations.

“We are monitoring the situation. They (fueron) brutally suppressed the domination in Guatemala on the part of the police and military. They do not understand that they are undergoing a forced migration, they are moving because they want to molestar alguien, they they are suffering from misery and natural disasters. No tienen nada en su país ”, dice Luis Villagrán, director of the Center for Human Dignification based in Tapchula (Chiapas).

The activist signaled that, “agreeing to inform us that we are happy, the 40% of the caravan is integrated with the children and women” and that the governor of Guatemala has reconciled at least two deaths in the homeland encroachments.

“We have been operating in various groups in Mexico for recipients and the authorities are granting refugee status, which is receiving protection. And if they can not advance like a caravan, then they can act like horsemen (in small groups). Sólo así podrán llegar a su destino ”, agrega.

Free Press no failure cases in the cargo of ayer on the part of the authorities, sin contagious by coronavirus. “At least 21 Honduran migrants, who were part of the caravan that pretended to reach Guatemala in search of the United States, were positive about the covid-19 test”, read in another post posted on their account by the social network Twitter .

The posture of Mexico

Guatemala’s Governor Rejects the Control and Presence of Soldiers and Policies in the Orient of the Netherlands to Detain the Advance of the Caravan and Oblige Migrants to Regress to Their Peace, Mexico Sees Exhortation management of irregular massive flows of migrant persons ”, agreed with a note from the Secretariat of External Relations (SER).

Mexico is in favor of safe and regular migration. Reitera su rechazo ante cualquier form de irregular y desordenado que ponga en riesgo la vida y la salud des las migrantes y de acogida ”, se lee en el comunicado officiale.


In turn, the Mexican government says “to recognize the actions of the Governor of Guatemala to address the irregular quota of migrants entering its territory” and to pay for the peace of the region “which applies responsibly to local migration and sanitation protocols, in order to avoid dangerous sanitary derivatives from the COVID-19 pandemic for migrant persons and the population of transit communities ”.

The activists, without embarrassment, insist that the caravan’s tenants have the right to follow their journey northwards in their lands and lose it all. Y que the coronavirus pandemic uses “como voorwendsel” to impede that lleguen to United States.

Guatemala does not think the same. “There is a lot of evidence that the virus is infecting many people in our country and the vacancies in our homes by no means,” said a spokesman for the Guatemalteco Institute of Social Security (IGSS) who contacted Univision Notices under anonymous conditions. to make. “Mire, here we have no vacancies and we do not know the vacancies. And if anyone is ill and is infected, imagine what will happen ”.

The Ministry of Health of Guatemala says in its account of the social network Twitter that “The #VacunaCOVID19 has not entered the country, it does not have to worry about false offerings and cobras” and that it will “inform the law and the distribution of the vaccine next the priori groups ”.

