“Geen necesitamos coyotes, mejor cruzamos solos”, dicen migrantes en Chiapas

Palenque.- Ni el Covid-19 ni et cierre del trafico no essencial en la frontera sur a causa de la pandemia han detenido los flujos migrators of Central America to Mexico, transit country for women today violence en su tierra.

The migration from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras change, then the caravans will be converted into small groups, many of them familiar.

Also read: Agradece Kamala Harris at AMLO Migration Cooperation

In Palenque, Chiapas, on the frontier line with El Ceibo and Tenosique, Tabasco, migrants now use our own lanes. No hay rutas definidas: arriesgan la vida, but traffic and federal authorities.

Other words to honor the step of La Bestia by Pakal-na, who braked in transit due to Train Maya. Finally, there are those who live in Mexico and have a new life in the surest part of the country.

También lee: ONG: México, violence violence for the Salvadorans


Activists alerted family trees with nieces; manyos enferman en el trayecto.

Ouderling, originally from Honduras, has 24 days to travel to Palenque.

Rosa llegó hace 12 años a México y Pakal-na es su nuevo hogar. Here many migrants are housed and their merchants. In Mexico obtuvieron refugio.

The Jtactic refugee house in Palenque, Chiapas, is being converted into an oasis for migrants.
