Gasoline Demand Required Not to Recover Level Pandemic | Economy

NUEVA YORK – It is probable that some of the insecure global gasoline demand is regressing to pre-pandemic levels, as agreed with a report by the International Energy Agency defying the markets.

Gasoline consumption is declining during the pandemic, as the cities are closing and many people are starting to work from home, a trend that is likely to continue as the covid-19 crisis continues. Many governors have also been promoting the use of low-carbon carbon alternatives.

But it is assumed that the demand for crude will be substantiated, that the lands in development with more populations will be used more combustibly. But it is not hoped that the prevalence of the pandemic will increase by 2023, in line with the IAEA.

The improbability of the gasoline being fully recovered is due to the fact that the increase in demand in landscaping will be counterbalanced by the exchange of consumers for electric vehicles, by a mayor efficiency of the new models and by the work of the work reduce loose ends, dijo la agencia.

Wait a minute, the gasoline prices have dropped. The stadiums are paying 14% more per gallon (3.79 liters) of the mobile that in February and 29% more than one year ago, agreed with AAA, an organization of assistance to motorists.

It should also be included in the Texas Tornadoes that will refine various refinements. The price has been estimated in addition to the increase in crude debt due to the expectations of an economic recovery while more people are vaccinated against the virus.
