Garland dobbeltsteen on his priority will be the investigation on January 6th. | News Univision Politica

Republican senators who have been in office for five years have blocked Merrick Garland’s confirmation as he was heard by the Supreme Court cordially now nominated by the Justice Department, responding to his post.

The receipts from Republicans were very different in March 2016, when Garland could not be considered as likely to appear before the maximum court. Republicans who control the Senate will never have their confirmation hearing.

The presidential president Joe Biden, who was confirmed with bipartisan apoyo, a decision of the eufusiva bienvenida del senador republicano Chuck Grassley, quien hace casi cinco años – cuando presidía el Comité Judicial de la Cámara Baja – fue responsable del bloqueo de la nominación de la Garland.

“Nadie doubted that the Garland juice was qualified for the job,” Grassley said.

March will hold its second audience and it is hoped that on Monday, March 1, its nomination will be put to a vote in the Senate plenary session.

These are the most challenging points of the audience:

