García Archibald califa como “descortés” PLD press release

The Director of Information and Press of the Presidency, Daniel García Archibald, classified “accused” in “imprudent” the press release supported by the legal banker of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) Luis Abinader.

Archibald indicates that the opposition act is urgent and that the mandate will be met within the National Congress, while the PLD representatives will make their statements.

Asimismo, afirmó que la rueda de prensa fue realizada a fin de socavar la allocation de jefe de Estado.

“I parried, impruded and punished the row of press legislators to disqualify discourse, with the President in Congress. Obvious protagonist opposition ”, wrote on Twitter.

What is the PLD?

The PLD criticized the statement of comments expressing that “if it were to make this governorate, and very well, it would list the logs of the former governor”, adding that in some cases six management has had various promises made.

Among the promises that have been made are the food and combustion baths, the protection of health, the loss of money, the reduction of investments, the lack of an education plan and a secure mayor on calls.

Además tildo the administration of Abinader as one that improvises and has no rumbo.
