Gantz: Bibi spits in the face of Israeli citizens

The leaders of Israel’s potentially “changing government” appeared unstoppable in response to a speech by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday, in which Netanyahu attacked Naftali Bennet, leader of Yamina, in an attempt to delegitimize the possibility of a unity government. and said Bennett has “face” of Israeli democracy.

“Bibi, a spit in the face, is taking Israeli citizens to elections for personal motives, and avoiding a state budget in a time of economic crisis and leaving the country without a justice minister because of your trial,” Benny said. Gantz, defense minister, said.

Lapid mocked Netanyahu for speaking out about breaking promises and misleading the public, “there is no restriction on fraud.” Lapid said no one believes Netanyahu’s empty promises anymore and that the solution is a unity government.
Yisrael Beytenu leader MK Avigdor Liberman also tweeted in response to the speech, saying: ‘We have never seen a prime minister so scared and hysterical. He’s scared. ‘ talk about credibility and try to scare the people. You yourself have lost every remnant of credibility. “We are not afraid of you and your incitement and no longer buy your tricks and sneakers. Yes, we are left wing in spite of you and in spite of you. We are willing to work with more parties to help you “replace, your methods, and your failures. Your time has passed,” he added.
