Galilee Montijo debates over Paty Navidad’s scandal in “Hoy”

The actress Patricia Navidad has the topic of conversation from the four lies that the social network Twitter suspends its profile debit and that the television star has since made its publications in the ones that minimized the pandemic of COVID-19, in addition to ensuring that it is treated by a plan a world level.

Fue debido a su trascendencia que en la mesa del program matutino “Hoy” no pudo pasar de largo, aonque los presenters tuvieron algunos puntos en desacuerdo, sobre todo con el también actor Arath de la Torre, quien se mistron indignado porque hubieran bajado la centa from the interpretation of telenovelas like “La fea más bella”.

Who manifests itself most in favor of the midday tomato by the pajarito fue social red Galilea Montijo, who shares with his companions the reasons by the sources that correct the media, about everything that records what happened last week with the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

“Mira, Negrito, and what happened last week with the President of the United States, Donald Trump, seems to be always close to the account of a misinformation campaign. What happens is that Twitter, (is) a platform that is by giving the real information and not informing the people. It’s something you’re creating, that’s very valid, and that you’ve been telling the people … bad information “, affirms the presenter of the production that counts with Raúl Araiza, Andrea Legarreta, Paco Stanley and Andrea Escalona.

Without embarrassment, when Galileo is ready to carry out its comment on the controversy surrounding Arath de la Torre, for which the action taken by Twitter against Patricia Navidad was “me taking a very drastic step because tampons are serious”.

Montijo was not called up and, preoccupied with the last affirmation of De la Torre, affirming that there is a very important situation because “it is killing people”. We record that in the world, due to Covid-19, he died about 1.94 million people and, tan solo in Mexico, the number of deces ascending to more than 130 miles.

“The situation in which we are living is very bad”, was what Paco Stanley agreed to show his support for his partner about the situation that is currently affecting the pandemic of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 .

Alexis Ayala answers Paty Navidad

Actor Alexis Ayala also appeared in the “Hoy” program about Patricia Navidad’s dichos, which in one of its most recent publications claims that some families have recovered from Covid-19 while drinking tea and some aspirin.

The most popular Mexican producer has been using the coronavirus and its pre-existing disease, as far as dijo que las person que tienen frente a ellos un mikrofono deben ser muy responsables con lo que dicen.

“Those who have not lived the part of salvation, have not come as real algo; those who have lived, and we have healed, that we have deceived or that we have lived the Covid-19 and that we have been humiliated, we are very conscientes y no siendo egoístas. Creo que hay que ser egoístas de decir ‘Yo quiero vivir’; no sees egoísta y digas ‘A mí me vale gorro’ “.

