Galilea Montijo takes on a stylish and elegant floral vest

The TV presenter Galilea Montijo adopts belt and elegant vestido of pink flowers. As if it were a diocese, the guipa conductor of the program Hoy veronderstel su esbelta figurine un unuendo muy romantico, femenino pero sobre tode elegante. Luciendo como un diosa griega muy mode frente a la camera, recibiendo miles de cumplidos.

On this occasion, Galilee Montijo decided to leave his little belt with a suit of floral ensemble. While the guapa conductor has demonstrated to be an expert in fashion, he has also made it clear that he has no interest in vibrant colors or the extravagant colors. For now we have our delicacy with an elegant floral dress in pink color.

Llevando un largo vestido floreado predominande los colores blanc y rosa, la guapa Hoy conductor our most beautiful is the perfect dress to be invited to a party. Debate that our deletion with a bohemian style per chic, that the vest has a short halter and cut out in the part of the belt detaching an asphalt figure of an architectural form.

Without embarrassment, it’s not the only one who’s surprised us by this great beauty of the city. While on the lower side, the flat bed is made up of small shapes that create a favored volume that is in the right shape of the belt of the belt. Galilea Montijo and distances his curves and high figure with a pair of tacos in purple pastel to complete his elegant attire.

Follow me: Galilea Montijo va pa pajama con tacones a Hoy y la criticic

While on the part of pain and makeup, Galilee Montijo decided to detach the vestibule on the rest of the elements, creating the perfect balance. Can get his cable in a high chongo and a make-up in pink colors, mantle end very neutral to remove the main piece that in this case was the dress, presumably his esbelta figure.

You may be interested: Galilea Montijo reaperece en Hoy con diminuto vestido de cuero

As it is to be hoped for, its followers on its Instagram account do not hesitate to listen to it warmly and above all, generating more than 60 miles of taste and varying comments by writing beautiful puns on their belly and from their good taste to find out that he has been dating for the last few years as a television presenter.

If you want to see Galilee Montijo experiment with different trend 2021 in what was in these months, Hoy’s guapa conductor said it was clear that always ahead of the style before the commodity. There are several variants that are designed to be extravagant and that are accompanied by different tacos so that everyone can wear them in their collection.

Without embarrassment, also during the quarantine and part of its Islam Galilea Montijo Demo that within the comfort zone you can be very fashionable at home. And as we have seen for a long time on his Instagram account, Galilee Montijo has a large variety of views that are not only different but also have many colors and different distractions.

Gives various style lessons for all women over 40 who have the same color arriesgare for the color. Galilea Montijo has demonstrated that elegance and style are inseparable and because of this, different blends can be taken to remove natural beauty.

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