‘Gained in departments with more electoral charge’: Luis Zelaya


Luis Zelaya, candidate for the Recovery of Honduras movement, announced that the acts he had in his power in the triumphs in the departments that generate the mayoral charge and support a 7% discount on his opponent Yani Rosenthal.

Zelaya accounts with 90% of the deeds of the Receptor Electoral Mesas (MER) procedures for all countries. Of this percentage, 65% are digitized.

I can assure you that we have won the main cities of the country: Tegucigalpa (…). In San Pedro Sula we are going to the presidential level and are reunited (at the level of alcaldes) between Toñito Rivera (candidate of Darío Banegas) and Ángel Ortiz ”, dijo.

Francisco Morazán, Valle, Atlántida, Choluteca, Olancho, Intibucá y Cortés are the departments where Zelaya bases the triumph of primary elections.

Luis Zelaya llama al Election of Consejo Nacional (CNE) to carry out a transparent scrutiny with the observation of the representatives of the political movements and organizations of the civil society and the means of communication.

The councilors of the CN have shown ineptitude and inability in the process.

Luis Zelaya, liberal candidate.

The pide is an organ that its representatives observe “the scanning and digitization” of the act one has the act 7,960 ante the suspects of the activism of Yani Rosenthal in the final recruitment process.

Genera mucha suspects that Lino Tomás Mendoza, co-director of CNE, on the plans of Yani Rosenthal at Central Executive; genera suspects that the computer jefe, who will count the votes in the system, is hermano of the candidate to be represented by the department of Gracias a Dios; genera suspects that the Secretary General’s heo in the plans by Francisco Morazán as deputy in the motion of Yani Rosenthal, many allegations and candidacies by Francisco Morazán work in the CNE”, Critic.

At a press conference hosted by Eduardo Martel, candidate for the presidency of Tegucigalpa, Enrique Ortez and Mauricio Villeda, Zelaya said that the CNE’s councilors had shown “ineptitude, incompetence, that they were responsible for the irresponsibility” by calling them suspiciously “and did not offer results after two days of voters.

This project is for Honduras, not for a particular candidate (…). I’m corrupt, narcotics, not discreetly with me together with them ”, announced Zelaya.
“When the Cashier made the money offer to these corrupt people discreetly,” he pointed out.
