Gaby’s love story in Carlos Luis emotion to Alejandra Jaramillo

‘In contact’ celebrates Gaby Díaz’s 38 companions, April 21st. One of the invited guests Carlos Luis Andrade, the presentation of Ecuavisa’s presenter with the full complement 14 years of matrimony, in November.

Gaby Díaz

Gaby Díaz: “Alejandra Jaramillo’s veo mejor, ya se ríe un poco más”

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The couple, with highs and lows, always maintained an exemplary relationship. During the program broadcast, Carlos Luis the new matrimonial pathway to its parish and its history of love. Aquello tocó el corazón de Alejandra Jaramillo, a quien se la vio muy emocionada.

On top of that, there are two layers of chinitos. If the loan is for a fee. Surely, the love affair between Gaby and Carlos Luis revivió su romance met Efraín Ruales.

Según Carlos Luis Andradefue duro, pero se recuperó. I believe it is part of the process that Alejandra lives. It’s compensable. Además tiene que haberla emocionado que yo interpretet ar part of the team un mix con las canciones de Mercury y Efraín was a fanatic of the group ”.

On the eve of the issue, Gaby Díaz dijo: “It’s time to celebrate, but it’s time to exhale. “Always good enough to be alone with our environment, we know it is”. All understand that it refers to its failed partner.
