Gabriel Soto reveals his reaction to his mayor through the screening of his intimate video

City of Mexico.

Gabriel Soto revealed details about como tomaron él and his family el video sexual donde apparition tocandose which went viral in December 2020.

The actor listened to the program Miembros al Aire donde defended his right to grab in intimacy.

The conductors will perform about the affected area is their life and their retinas.

“It’s a violation of your intimacy. I’ve had sex with you, mainly with them, mainly with the mayor because of the chiquita no. emotionally hablando “.

“Mi hija burgemeester, hablé con ella y lo tomó muy bien. Me dijo: ‘ne te preocupes por mí, má bien estoy preocupada por ti, por cómo estás'”, dijo visiblemente emokionado por la madurez con la que lo abordó la adoleskente .

“I was very preoccupied, ‘Will I have an abreast with a pre-adolescent theme?’

Pore ​​otro lado, el actor dijo que no se arrepiente de haber grabado ese moment, pues es parte de enjoy your intimacy.

Geen está mal grabarse nie, ¿For what is grabarse? It’s my intimacy and I can do what I want, I can grab like I want, tirándome of the third order if I want. The offense is what the filter is and it is a serious offense that belongs with the Ley Olympia met the card to the persons who filter this type of videos … “, dijo.
