Fuerte Sismo is located in different places of El Salvador | El Salvador News

There are currently no reports of deaths or victims.

A short circuit of the percibio short duration detected in the 10: oo of this month in different places of El Salvador, currently has no reports of days or victims.

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According to the Ministry of the Middle Classes, the telemic movement with magnitude 5.1, originated near the coast of Libertad. 48 km to the south of Playa Mizata. The depth round about 26 kilometers.

January 15 a magnitude 4.9 earthquake was recorded in El Salvador. I agree with the dates of the Ministry of the Media Ambiente en Resursos Naturales (Marn) estur ocurrió a las 11:09 am

The Marn signaled that the epicenter was near the coast of San Vicente, 42 kilometers to the south of the Lempa River.

Users in social networks tend to be sent to various departments of the country, between these Sonsonate, San Miguel, Usulután, San Salvador and Cuscatlán.

The total number of minutes it has been recorded by Guatemala at a cost of 5.9 degrees Celsius and 10:10 am, added by the United States Geological Survey.

The epicenter is 47 kilometers to the east of Champeric municipality 162 by Guatemala City, 58 kilometers deep.
