From locos! Zlatan’s intern in the Italian language without playing

Zlatan Ibrahimovic is known for his good football and his eccentricities in the length of his career as a professional player, and since the success of the series has not been met with anthological goals since the age of 39, it is the attention paid to the various activities that take place in the camps of Serie A.

Ibra is recovering from the Spierd injury he suffered in November and because he was sidelined for six months with AC Milan, without embarrassment, it is hoped that the item will be able to be listed for entry.

However, the lesions in the mermaid to Zlatan to make a few quantities, have now shown a video in which can be rented at home without taking more than a short to stay in the free city of Italy, en donde se encuentran cayendo intensas nevadas.

Dicho posteo va accompaniment of the legend: “San Remo, here we go … because San Remo is San Remo”, wrote the ex delantero of LA Galaxy.

Ibra assistirá a San Remo

For now, Ibra is preparing to attend the San Remo festival, by the cual ya han pasado diversas figuras del balompié alledaagse verhale como Cristiano Ronaldo, Francesco Totti, Roberto Baggio, Antonio Cassano, ens.

Según los inlig, The Italian club received the permission of Zlatan to assist the festival, can not deal with the compromises that the club has signed from 2 to 6 March, it is possible to travel to incorporate the club when it is necessary.
