Fritz Pollard Alliance aspires to hire Chris Doyle in Jacksonville


Fritz Pollard Alliance executive director Rod Graves had no complaints about the search that led to the hiring of coach Urban Meyer and GM Trent Baalke. Graves has certainly filed a complaint over Meyer’s decision to appoint Chris Doyle as director of sports performance.

“At a time when the NFL has not been able to solve its problem with racial rental practices, it is simply unacceptable to welcome Chris Doyle into the NFL coaches,” Graves said in a statement released Friday afternoon. ‘Doyle’s departure from the University of Iowa reflects a term of office with poor judgment and abuse of black players. His behavior should disqualify the NFL just as much as it does for the University of Iowa. Urban Meyer’s statement: ‘I have known Chris for almost twenty years’, reflects the good network for young boys which is precisely the reason why there is such a difference in jobs for black coaches. ”

Meyer, who has had players and assistant coaches at several football programs in the field, recently defended the decision to appoint Doyle, who left Iowa with a separation agreement. Meyer is about to hear that there is much more professional investigation.
