Frida Sofía’s Advocate Adelanta that tomará legal medias after the closest jueves | Famous

“No legal action has been initiated in the case, it will be followed by the jewels of the next week”, said lawyer Xavier Oléa Trueheart in an electronic message.

The abbot of the hen of Alejandra Guzmán dijo que “If you plan to make a statement” the Jew in Miami, but no more details.


In this same message in the social network, the empresaria and cantante of 29 years said to be contracted to the company Oléa & Oléa, with seat in Mexico City, directed by Xavier and Alexandro Oléa Trueheart; to see hizo a public lame in search of persons that podrían support his accusation.

“If you visit my psychologist, master or trabajaste in my case in favor of contact”, Dijo la hija de La Guzmán, agregando al pie de este llamado las direcciones des los e-corrreosos sus sus abogados.


Frida Sofía, without embarrassment, does not say that the type of legal mediation is possible, but when it presents a legal issue and does not establish a lawsuit against more than one person. Tampoco mentioned Enrique Guzmán by his number in this message.

“Always very abusive”, said the week before he was sentenced to 78 years. “Fue un hombre muy asqueroso … Siempre me daba miedo”.

Román López, assistant to Xavier Oléa Trueheart, told Univision that the company has ten clients living in the United States, such as Frida Sofia, but has never legally represented them in this country.

The song of excitos like ‘La plaga’ y ‘Tu cabeza en mi hombro’ has aggressively defended, denouncing his “location” and suggesting that he has been sexually abused his product of mental instability or drug abuse.


“En mi pu … vida le he tocado un pelo a esa niña”, dijo el artist al programa ‘Ventaneando’, de TV Azteca.

Alejandra Guzmán dijo hace un par de años que his hat trastorno limit of the personality, a mental affliction that affects the behavior and image that a person has and does not manifest through impulsive actions and difficulties in relating to others.

Frida Sofía has refused to take care of her wife, but she has not avoided repeating the affirmation of her marriage.
