Frida Sofia reveals what happened after Alejandra Guzmán’s controversial controversy

Have a week, Frida Sofía and Alejandra Guzmán protagonize a acercamiento al llamaron reconciliation through a telephone call in the program ‘Despierta America’.

Posteriormente, Alejandra Guzmán issued a statement and said yes, the reporter Marco Antonio Silva discovered that the haberia had killed, debited to contract what does it have Aztec TV, quienes le habrían recycling have reconciled with his wife on another television.

Además, en ‘Suelta la Sopa’, comment that Frida and Alejandra tuvieron a conversation after the llamada y los comunicados, en donde ‘La Guzmán’, le habría confessed a su hija que ella you know what the scribes dirían que lloró ‘cogrodrágrimas’ in the program, what haberia hecho that Frida is decepcionara y se alejara de ella nuewamente.

alejandra guzmán frida sofía llamada reconciliation ya ponte a trabajar

Ante todo esto esto, fue Frida Sofía quien habló del tema y account what actually happened through the polemic llamada that you have to air in the program dijo, ‘Ustedes yo creo que listen to this conversation tan hermosa, en la cual no meniona nada de drama … porque esa la oportunidad y como ya había hablado con ella, yo les dije: ‘no va a contestar, es supertemprano’ y (sí) contestó. Entonces, te lo juro, if I have emotion, I create it ”, commented on a surprising interview with Gustavo Adolfo Infante, with whom he had friction in the past.

alejandra guzmán frida sofía llamada reconciliation ya ponte a trabajar

Frida Sofia admitted that the press release emitted by the team of the singer the tomo by surprise, but when the surprise was over, it was gone her mom communicates with her to tell you why she misses who I wrote it.

alejandra guzmán frida sofía llamada reconciliation ya ponte a trabajar

Disappointed, Frida reveals what her mother said in her posterity’s post to reconciliation, “And then she (she commands the communication), I mean she does not understand why she is promote my career musical y needs a public derivative of it and what do not understand why always use. I always say: ‘what good is your teen 29 years, your teen, your teen, you can work and always he worked ‘”.
