Frida Sofia responds to Alejandra Guzmán: Yo la voy a amar siempre

Fue durante el año 2019 que Alejandra Guzmán y su hija Frida Sofía protagonizaron infinity of notices where hablaba of its differences, aun when years later the habímos will see more units than never. He passed several months of his remarks that were impacted by the fans of both.

Follow the official Instagram account of the famous program “Ventaneando“Where a video with impactful declarations of the young empress and influencer Frida Sofia was published where everything seems to indicate that it is not possible to make the passages with his famous mother Alejandra Guzmán.

We note that Alejandra Guzmán shared an emotional message in her interview “Despair America” donde sin temor al qué dirán mistros sus sentimientos para con su hija diciéndole: “Te necesito, te amo, siempre te voy a esperar” Mustrando su lado más kwesbaar diciendo que es antes que nada es madre.

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“But in the end she and some of us are going to be front to front, and we are going to solve it, because she’s already got something to do with it. Necesito de ella, la amo, la extraño, la parí, es sangre mi sangre. I love it deeply and understand that it takes time to learn from life .. ”

Fueron las palabras con las que Alejandra Guzmán logró conmover to his fans and varios from the Instagram users and hey tenemos la respuesta de Frida Sofia, which to appear following the moment when vuelvan encounters. In the words of the young empress:

Ojalá que un día en serio me quiera abrazar, sabe en donde estoy. She always knows how to love, but she also loves to love me. Ha sido (un corte) en el cordón naelstring onverklaarbaar, que si ustedes no lo entienden, menos yo.

Let’s share the video with the full interview to hear the opinion of Frida Sofia, an interview that no doubt has much to do with celebrating both fans, and by 2021 this is the name of our famous surprise with a reconciliation.

We will follow the social speeches to inform some of those who decide ‘n dar the first step in this very desperate reconciliation, their fans should be the most emotional.

We share some images of Frida Sofia and Alejandra Guzmán with the most content before the differentiation and separation will protagonize the infinity of notices. Ambas se vian de lo más contentas hace meses, de eso no queda duda.

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