Freshman Dem announces House decision banning Donald Trump from US Capitol complex

The newly elected representative of the Democratic Georgia, Nikema Williams, has submitted a resolution banning President Donald Trump from entering the US Capitol at any time after the expiration of his term as president, which essentially bans and blocks him from the federal building .

The whole of the resolution reads: ‘The Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, and the United States Capitol Police will take the actions that may be needed to preside over President Donald John Trump to enter the U.S. Capitol at any time after the expiration of his term as President. ‘

Williams’ bill comes the day after Trump was indicted by the U.S. House of Representatives (including all House Democrats and ten House Republicans) for “inciting insurgency.”

Those who accused Trump said he incited the January 6 riot in the Capitol after leading an afternoon “Stop the Steal” rally in which he reiterated his rebuttal claim that Democrats were using a nationwide conspiracy to defraud voters. has to steal the election for Elected President Joe Biden.

Donald Trump Nikema Williams Capitol ban block
Democratic Georgia Representative Nikema Williams has tabled a bill banning President Donald Trump (pictured here) from entering the U.S. Capitol at any time after the expiration of his term as president, which essentially bans and blocks him from the federal building.
Chip Somodevilla / Getty

In the January 6 rally, Trump unjustifiably claimed to have won the election “with a landslide victory,” although Biden won by more than 7 million popular votes. Trump then encouraged his followers to march to the Capitol.

“We will never concede, it will happen. You will not concede if theft is involved,” Trump told his supporters during the rally. “We fight like hell and if you do not fight like hell you will not have a land anymore.” He has since called his comments “completely appropriate”.

Five people were killed in the ensuing riot, including a riot who was shot in the neck as she tried to break into the front door of the House, a woman who was trampled to death by Trump supporters and a police officer who killed insurgents with a put out fire extinguisher. Trump supporters also stole computer equipment, which could potentially be a violation of national security.

Since the uprising, members of the Democratic House have said they feel insecure around Republican colleagues who may have sympathized with insurgents who wanted to stop Biden from becoming president. These include the 138 House Republics that voted January 6 to confirm the victory of Biden’s Electoral College.

On Tuesday, metal detectors were installed, but Republicans walked past them and ignored guards standing by them. On Wednesday, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said any politician who does such things will be fined $ 5,000 or more.

New York Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said the metal detectors felt necessary given the fact that Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado once promised to carry a firearm in the Capitol, something that is not allowed by federal rules. Is not. Ocasio-Cortez said Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia posted a September 2020 Facebook ad in which Greene threatens to shoot Ocasio-Cortez and other progressive female color legislators.

On Wednesday, Democratic Rep. Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey said she saw Republican lawmakers soon take a tour of the Capitol building a day before entering the building to threaten lawmakers, a tour of the right-wing lawmakers. rebels.

Newsweek Williams’s office contacted for comment.
