Freno to the evacuation of the second dose

In addition to the queues of people this month have had the right to file for the eviction of his second dose and top up with the cancellation of the lawsuit, the Assistant General of the National Guard, José Reyes confirmed that there are no laws filed by second dose, for those who tend to cancel quotes and programmers.

“Those who are friends in Puerto Rico have not been friends since they were programmed,” said Reyes, who said that Moderna and Pfizer’s production was not in rhythm.

“We will start with a limited amount of second doses. It is hoped that there will be a free cargo collection in Puerto Rico to reabastercer. Geen llegó, is programmed to read today. The people who are programmed, it is given a quote for the next 24 to 48 hours ”, Reyes detailed in a radial interview (WKAQ580).

The Assistant General of the National Guard pleaded with the persons who did not despair because of the scientists he explained that if he had taken the second dose in the 28 days this dose CD The CDC said that there were 42 days, basically 6 weeks ”.

Reyes indicates that at the Guardia Nacional evacuation centers if the vacancy rate is increased, the aid is paid to persons who do not travel to the filas because they program new quotes during a period of 24 to 48 hours.

The detail worker who regularly receives between 75 and 80 mil doses of vacancies between the first and second doses. It is not possible to try immediately a glass of coma if it is vacant between first and second doses. Reyes indicates that Modern has been increasing the doses produced, while Puerto Rico now regularly receives 50,000 first-dose vaccines.

More recently, Reyes summed up the WKAQ580 following dates on vacancies:

  • 544 825 holiday homes in Puerto Rico
  • 481 005 carriages distributed to suppliers
  • 325 714 vacunas administradas hasta hoy

As for the plan that is hoping to help, the official says that it is high time that the Isla is open for vacancies.

Police officers, bombers and other first responders have announced that the second dose process has been chaotic, since it has been characterized by extensions of files that start from the time of the madrugada.
