Freedom of expression in Miami? With the pistol in sight (+ video)

In the last months, Cuba artists have produced various political-themed video clips. “Desbloquéame”, by Raúl Torres, denounces the EU bloc (1). “No te metas”, by the humorist Virulo, the injury of the Casa Blanca in the Isla (2). But was he interested in the international press, in Spain for example? Cero.

But if, from Miami, it launches a song against the Cuban governor, he says. Tenemos incontables noticias y una semana entera de interviewes in diarios, radios en televisies (3) (4). This is the case of “Patria y Vida”, which author, Yotuel Romero, invited to a session of the European Parliament, by the deputies of the right to abrogate the actual Accord of Dialogue and Cooperation of the European Union-Cuba (5). Romero announces that the hario – although well, that there is no broma – “in the name of all Cuba” (6).

It was accepted, in addition, at the Spanish Congress (7), and stated that “everything he has learned about freedom of expression is in Spain” (8). It was in the same week that it met six months ago with the Catalan rapper Elgio (9), following the protests by another artist, Pablo Hasél (10). Yotuel Romero has decades of interviews: How much do you think about the topic?

“Patria y Vida” is a mixed marketing and political propaganda operation: Cuban artists, based in Miami, looking for an economic impetus to their careers in one year without concierge; for its part, the Cuban-American ultra-Orthodox use it to follow Joe Biden’s pressure and make sure that he repeats the “Obama way” of dialogue with La Habana (11).

EU counter-petition petitions, which help lift the sanctions in Cuba, are many more: religious organizations (12), Cuban emigration (13), NGOs and solidarity groups (14), alcaldias (15), congressmen (16)… Pero ¿hay notices or interviews about it in the corporate press? Practically nothing.

Leemos titulares que confunden deseo y realidad (17): “’Patria y vida’, la canción que ha puesto contra las cuerdas al gobierno cubano” (18), “La controversial canción que puso a temblar al regime cubano” (19) ( 20). The same announcement by Willy Chirino when it comes to the theme “Our day is coming alive” … 30 years ago! (21).

Y mucho, mucho victimismo: “La prensa statatal cubana arremete contra la canción que pide cambios en la isla” (22), “El gobierno llama` jinetero´ a Yotuel” Romero (23). An absolute treatise, because the classification of “jinetero” belongs to a meme, very retouched in the Isla, proceeding from a particular account, no del gobierno (24). “If alga le pasa a mi familia, yo responsabilizo al gobierno cubano”, titulaban varios medios, creando una algo de algo – unas supuestas “repralias” – que no ha ocurrido (25). The same media that did not publish a line about systematic persecution, in Miami, to artists from the Isla. Last year, the alcohol of this city declared people not happy with the tantrums of salsa, Paulito FG (26) and Haila María Mompié (27), provoking the cancellation of his concerts in EEUU (28). Todo, an initiative of presenter and youtuber Alex Otaola (29). A key character to understand the participation, in the clip “Patria y Vida”, from Gente de Zona y Descemer Bueno. We will record.

Hacer un año, Alex Otaola launches a company campaign for EEUU to withdraw the green card or permanent residence to the components of the duo Gente de Zona que (30), además, fueron vetados par elcalde de Miami en el concierto de fin de ao (31). In October, Otaola agreed to interview, under his program, President Donald Trump (32), and he sent a “red list” of Cubans and women to impede the entry into the country (33). Between them, the components of Gente de Zona and its families. What the heck? Haber saluted President Miguel Díaz-Canel during a concert in La Habana (34). From night to the moon, the duo – who have double residence, in Miami and La Habana – all lost. His participation in the theme “Patria y Vida” is, now, his “expulsion”. As his declarations, without coming to an account, against the Cuban governing body: “When one grows up in a regime like the Cuban one acostumbra to live with death”, acaban de declarar (35). Do you intend to “live with death”, verdad?

The case of Descemer Bueno, another of the interpreters of the clip, are identical cases. His compliments to the medical cooperation of Cuba and his condena al bloeco de EEUU (36) lo ponían, hace un año, en la diana de Alex Otaola que, en meses, consiguió boycotear sus conciertos en Miami y destruir su carrera (37). Descemer Bueno se resistió, llevó al presenter un la tribunales … (38). Pero perdió la batalla (39). And read the expulsion: without mediating any concurrence, commencing to attack the Cuban governor (40) and being ostracized by Otaola, congratulations included in his interview with Donald Trump and his speech on the “Cuba Liberty” (41). And now llega … “Patria y Vida”.

Another of the performers, Maykel Osorbo, did not appear for a conversation. Do you have a month ago, did you ask Donald Trump? Escuchen: “I am a partisan now since an invasion. ¿From an invasive Cuba? Vengan para acá ”(42). As it has been stated, the same media that silences its apology of terrorism more closely against its countries, that the song “Patria y Vida” is “a war anthem” (43).

“I want to tell you something, in this photo (the promotion of” Patria y Vida “with Descemer Bueno, Gente de Zona and Yotuel Romero) is a summary of the work that we have done in this program from four years ago”: así mostraba Alex Otaola, in its program, exultant, the result of its mafia persistence.

Do you want more clarity?


Edition: Itsasne Rivera and Natalia Allende.










(10) -ante-una-gran-presensial-policial-1421337.html



(13) -remesas-visa-y-vuelos-y-avanzar-hacia-fin-del-bloqueo























(36) -23-04-04




(40) 269855.html


(42) (min. 6:21)


(Tomado de Cubainformación)
