Free DLC coming soon, release date & more!

Cyberpunk 2077 was launched earlier this year after numerous delays during production.

After it was released, the game was a bit of a buggy mess, and PSN even chose to remove the game from its store!

A number of spots later, however, the game is a great gaming experience. Let’s dive into the free DLC that’s on hand now!

Free Cyberpunk DLC

This free DLC was known from the game’s release, but now we have a website that confirms it as well.

STORYLINE: Cyberpunk's storyline is incredibly diverse!
STORYLINE: Cyberpunk’s storyline is incredibly diverse!

This site is hosted in the official Cyberpunk 2077 domain, so we know the rumors are true now!

This states that we can expect free DLC in early 2021, so we have reason to speculate that it will be here in January, which is only a few days away!

If so, it could be a big boost to the game, though we hope the remaining bugs and crash issues will also be sorted out soon.

DLC in Witcher 3

CDPR has done free DLC before, especially for their Witcher title, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

WITCHER 3: This title is another CDPR game with free DLC!
WITCHER 3: This title is another CDPR game with free DLC!

In this game, players could download new weapons, armor and quests to expand the scope of the story.

These new items also help to add a new element of the repetition factor to the game, because the ways we can play are greater.

Hopefully CDPR will follow this method again. The size of Night City and the scope of the story allow CDPR many options to add great new content.

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 itself is a phenomenal title available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, PS4, PS5 and PC.

VISUAL: Cyberpunk 2077 looks beautiful on PC and next generation!
VISUALS: Cyberpunk 2077 looks great on PC and next generation!

The title is also now available on Google Stadiums, Google’s own game streaming service.

With most bugs fixed now, we highly recommend picking it up and giving it the title!
