Francisco Lindor hits the first hit of Mets and el Spring Training

Finally, the boricua Francisco Lindor connected to primer hit with the uniform of the Mets of New York in the Spring training 2021 of the Grand Leagues (MLB).

Median game Mets New York vs. Washington Nationals, El Campocorto Francisco Lindor sacudió su primer hit with the new uniform that defends in the baseball of Grand Leagues, playing in his quarter game Spring training 2021

Here is the video:

Lindor a lot of lots of turns to the asset, be trained offensively with the Mets In the Spring training, soltando su primer indisputable with the new organization that defends in the best baseball of the world, being a batazo that the launcher rival deviates the campocorto and thanks to his speedy salvo to salvo to the first base.

Little by little, the Puerto Rican infield joins forces with the Mets y para eso es el Spring training, to take rhythm and play with the best rhythm to the time 2021 of the Grand Leagues, misma donde los Queens, with his acquisition as favorites.

Además, el primer hit de Francisco Lindor, just read the day that God knows what they are Mets, this same week may be ending with a contract extension, an agreement that must be completed by the most important players of the MLB.

Undoubtedly, this connection will be the first of many Lindor soltará with the uniform of los Mets off Las Mayores.
