France advertises Biden’s Gobierno as accepting the “Google tasa” international | Economy

France, one of the countries most prized by the elaboration of a Google World Cup, confides that with the legacy of Democrat Joe Biden in the White House, among the many things that have also changed the current host activity of the United States. International transaction of the major digital platforms. The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, Paris, said this morning that he will be in Washington to change positions and accept the proposal to develop the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). On the contrary, it advertises that European alternatives are a possibility that Brussels is working on.

“We will have the spring of 2021 to convene our new state society, the Biden administration, of which it imposes this tax and the definitions defined in the OECD market,” Le Maire said, referring to the new place he has created. international organization to list an international tax return for the Internet giants.

“Everybody can see that in this crisis (by the coronavirus) the great benefactors are the digital giants, that they are the ones who generated major benefits during this period of crisis”, signaled in his traditional speech before presenting the objectives of new year. “It is more necessary, more precisely, to implant an OECD-level digital application in our next months,” he insisted.

France is one of the main impetus of Google’s nominee, motivated by the fact that it has kept a pulse for the last few years with Donald Trump’s Governor, who has been behind bars ever since advancing international negotiations. They have been in the hands of the OECD, whose tenure has presented a model this year. Without embarrassment, it will not be able to complete the jobs and it has until mid-August 2021 to propose a mechanism that will allow, according to its experts, to distribute a tribunal of around 100,000 million dollars (85,000 global euros) to a level .

Due to the OECD-level advancement, Paris announced in November that it wanted to cover its own Google task, which would have reached out to 2020 officials in the hope of an agreement not being reached. France approves the vernacular of 2019 as a measure of about 3% of the volume of bargains of technology companies in the country that obtains annual incomes of at least 750 million euros (830 million dollars). According to Agencia France Presse, it will be allowed to raise more than 400 million euros by 2020.

Following the Paris decision to reactivate the cobra of its Google task, the United States agreed to apply the French products prepared in July of this year as retaliation by the digital taxpayer. For the past 7 years, a day has passed since the end of the march for his marching march, the North American Commercial Representative Officer, Robert Lighthizer, announced his temporary suspension in hopes of the results of his team’s investigations into other countries. , like Spain, he also adopted or is considering a Google property. “A suspension of tariff action against France will promote a coordinated response in all investigations” on national digital bags, given its official statement in a few minutes of the power transfer in the Casa Blanca. Pese a ello, Paris mantiene la recaudación de su tasa Google, confirmig die beste martes fuentes del Ministerio a este diario.

In any case, France confides in an exchange of views with Biden that it does not believe that it is analyzing other possibilities. If there is no move by the North American lad, “we will tend to become a European solution”, Le Maire refers to the plans of Brussels.

Last September, the European Commission said it was preparing a legislative proposal in the first semester of 2021, and the OECD did not – as it did – promise to present a plan in 2020. Even then Brussels has decided to if its calendar, Paris is concerned with the fact that Plan B Europe will have the list “it will be”, agreed with the sources, with which it will serve to own the mayor when the OECD presents, at the end, its international proposal.
