Fox News blames windmills for failing to power Texas

“This week has shown that the problem of parallel news universities – the problem of alternative realities of information – does not only apply to politics,” CNN chief media correspondent Brian Stelter said on Sunday on “Reliable Sources”. “It even applies to the weather.”

Some on Fox News blame frozen wind turbines – which account for nearly a quarter of Texas’ power – and attack the Green New Deal when the state’s power plants fail. While frozen wind turbines were a contributing factor, wind stops accounted for less than 13% of interruptions, an official from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), which manages the state’s power grid, told Bloomberg.
Texas Fact Check for Energy Failure

Tucker Carlson was just one of the Fox News personalities who criticized windmills and questioned the existence of global warming. A chyron on his show last week read ‘Green Energy Means a Less Reliable Power Grid’.

Stelter said pro-Trump outlets are swinging toward progressive politicians rather than holding legislators of both parties accountable.

Fox News’ senior political correspondent Mike Emanuel criticized Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – who launched a fundraiser for the Texas enlightenment – for being “powerful” over the state’s power issues in an effort to “kill her.” promote progressive wish list ‘. The New York Democratic congresswoman said over the weekend that the effort had raised $ 4 million.

“This is a literal political storm in the South,” Stelter said.

Here's how a week of icy weather and disaster unfolded in Texas

As for millions of Texans struggling: “It was apocalyptic,” Emily Ramshaw, co-founder and CEO of The 19th News, told Stelter.

“If local media were not doing their job here, we would have almost no information,” said Ramshaw, who is in Austin. “I have reporters from other news organizations coming to my house to shower with this very limited drop of water we have.”
