Fox Business cancels program of Lou Dobbs, presenter of Donald Trump’s conspiracy | News Univision Politica

Fox News cancel the program Lou Dobbs, a fiel partidarios del expresidente Donald Trump and its assertions are fundamentally about electoral fraud in the November 3 election.

The Dobbs program, ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’, which broadcasts the afternoon and afternoon broadcasts at 17:00 and 19:00 ET and Fox Business Network, tuvo su última transmissión el viernes, and confirms a Fox News representative , confirms the cancellation al diario Los Angeles Times.

Part of the next week, the program is called “Fox Business Tonight”, with top performers rotating Jackie DeAngelis and David Asman. Dobbs, 75 years old, had a good contract with Fox News, although, agreeing with the diary, it is very likely that no one will appear in the company’s speeches.

Dobbs jumps on the bandwagon as CNN’s presenter in commencing to run his Fox show in 2011. For the most part, Trump’s shared his point of view during the long line against immigration and lying about Trump’s theories about electoral fraud, of which no one will test.

Millionaire Demand vs. Fox

The cancellation produces a day after the company systems for elections Smartmatic presents its demands against the Fox cadence and varios of its presenters, among which Dobbs finds, in which he advertises more of 2,700 million dollars has been embroiled in a theory without proof of a superstition fraud in the November presidential presidential election.

“Fox is responsible for this information campaign, which has given to democracy and all the world and which has affected irreparable form in Smartmatic and has contributed to a modern election”, said in a statement Antonio Mugica, the delegate of business with headquarters in Boca Ratón (Florida).

The claim of 276 pages, presented before a New York tribunal, also alleges defamation and Rudy Giuliani y Sidney Powell, advocates of Donald Trump and who are well-known mediators in the portfolios of his fraudulent election campaigns in the last elections, a fraud that has not been proven and has been decided by the tribunals.

Ambos appearing on various occasions on Fox News to talk about help, involving two technology companies elections: Dominion (which asked for the lawyers) and Smartmatic.

Powell, among other things, praised Smartmatic’s creation to Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez and made sure his systems were designed so that the pudiesen votes could be detected.

The document presented by the Jews accuses Giuliani and Powell of “creating a story” about Smartmatic and Fox of “uniting the conspiracy” and defying the company and its technology for elections.

In addition to directing against Fox Corporation, the group of magnate Rupert Murdoch and the owners of Fox News, the lawsuit is against the presenters Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro.

“Fox News has participated in a conspiracy to disseminate information about Smartmatic.

Smartmatic notes that its participation in the November comics was limited exclusively to voting systems for the Los Angeles, California, county, and that was circulated by Joe Biden with an abrupt mayor in a state where the victory took place. sido puesta en cuestión.

