Founders of the Mahjong Line apologize

What started as criticism has now prompted Asian Americans to share stories and images of their family and community playing mahjong together.

Posted on January 6, 2021 at 12:12 ET

Three white founders of a Dallas company called the Mahjong Line reconciled them by giving the tiles of the ancient Chinese game a ‘modern medieval design’ and asking for $ 425 for their sets.

According to the company’s website, which has since been withdrawn due to a wide setback, one of the founders, Kate LaGere, tried to give the game a “respectful refreshment” because traditional tiles “did not reflect the fun” she had did not while playing.

The site, which was also compiled by Spotify playlists and personality questions about playing mahjong, made very little mention of the traditions and origins of the game in China and throughout East Asia.

After accusing LaGere and the company’s two other founders, Annie O’Grady and Bianca Watson, of cultural appropriations online, they released a statement on Tuesday saying they were “deeply sorry” for not paying tribute. that they were trying to ‘refresh’ Mahjong. .

“While we want to inspire and engage a new generation of American Mahjong players, we acknowledge that we do not properly respect the Chinese heritage of the game,” the founders said in an email to BuzzFeed News. They then shared the statement on their Instagram page.

LaGere told BuzzFeed News in a follow-up statement that she, O’Grady and Watson plan to hold talks with experts closely related to the game’s origins to ensure that its rich history and cultural significance are properly represented. be ‘in their product.

Anger and criticism quickly built up against the company this week after people discovered the Mahjong Line products and the language they used on social media.

“Three white women with no respect for Chinese culture or the traditional game of Mahjong make modern mahjong sets here in $ 215. In 2021,” he wrote. @AlyseWhitney on Twitter. “Traditional symbols are not ‘fun’ or ‘stylish’ for you. How are they made ??? FIND ANOTHER GAME!”

“I can not believe I’m looking at the gentrification of MAHJONG,” the user said @SPRlNGBAE.

The game of Mahjong dates back to the Qing Dynasty, where its popularity spread throughout East and Southeast Asia. Different variations were introduced in Europe hundreds of years later. The game is played with 144 tiles etched with unique Chinese symbols and designs that players draw and throw away to create sets.

The Dallas Company’s Redesign of Mahjong Tiles in What Some Are Called “white girl aesthetic” – and raising hundreds of dollars for it – is what made the Asian American community particularly discouraged.

The Mahjong Line has given some of its western redesign sets names such as “Minimal Gal” and “Skylight Blue Cheeky Gal.” The Instagram page, which is still upright but turned off with comments, mentions the Mahjong sets as ‘incredibly chic’ and with brand names like #townandcountry and #suidliving.

LaGere told BuzzFeed News they turned off comments after receiving “threatening messages” amid the setback. She assured users that comments would later be enabled to ‘continue this dialogue’.

“We realize that many people are frustrated because we turned off our comments. This was only done after threatening messages were sent to our followers and customers,” she said. “Comments will be made soon to continue this dialogue and ensure that all voices are heard.”

Asked about the steps LaGere and the other founders are taking following their apology, she added, advising experts, the company will set up ‘new policies … for further education [sic] ourselves. ‘

“We will continue to hold discussions with experts closely related to the game’s origins to ensure that its rich history and cultural importance are properly represented in our promotion and description of the game,” she said on Wednesday. another email statement said.

Despite the disappointment of The Mahjong Line, Asian Americans online use the opportunity to share stories and memories of their families playing mahjong together. This is one of the most common and popular ways Chinese and other Asian families and friends get together.

@SPRlNGBAE When I was growing up, I remember my parents had mahjong nights with friends every Friday. If you were advanced, you do not even have to look at it, but you just have to rub your thumb over the pattern and KNOW what tile it is. Can’t white ppl NOT?!?

Twitter: @ AureliaOT7

That Mahjong potty party was one of the last big group outings I went on in 2020. I won a lot of rounds using the strategies my cousin taught me and what he got from my grandmother. I made a steamed egg recipe that I found on the internet.

Twitter: @YulinKuang

This viral tweet showing a modern Mahjong table – in which my grandmother in China also recently invested in shuffling and arranging (tiling), proves that you can have innovation while still respecting and preserving the culture.
