FOTO’S: Miss Universo El Salvador brilla en Miami donde disfruta del inicio de ano con su familia | El Salvador News

Aboard a yate, the guapa compares spectacular lights to the instantaneous family that shares its new year’s descent in Florida.

The beauty queen Vanessa Velásquez knows how to answer in any place she can, and to receive the new one there is some instant celebration of her family, in the paradise of Miami, Florida, United States.

The compatriot must show his miles of followers the reconciling time that passes with the people he loves and loves. “Stay close to people who feel like sunlight #family #NewYears”, sugirió la Miss. El Salvador Universe, comparing the persons who subscribe to your life with the rays of the sun.

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The post accompanies a set of photographs, in which Vanessa poses next to his mother and who learns to be her husband. All very guapas and fashionistas, demonstrate the lazos that one has, on the interior of a yate.

With these photos, the queen of beauty invites her followers to value the family of the new year that she initiated. Photos / Instagram @ vanevelasquez1

“Preciosas .Que todos los sueños se hagan realidad 2021”, “Hermosas”, “Happy New Year“,” Koningin “is some of the greetings that some of his admirers dedicate. The beautiful communicator celebrated its 25th anniversary this year at the age of 25, lined up with special people and with great expectations for 2021.

The young man showed off his desire to work hard to represent his country in the Miss Universe International Certificate. Lots of fans, the animator is well prepared to host a good ceremony at the coronation gala.

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The user gigylove the design all the best and the record that he has to work in the corridor and in his oratorio. “Res bella pero tienes que prepararte porfa tienes porte y la belleza para ser Miss Universo pero hay que trabajar un un buena pasarela y oratoria Tú puedes Vanessa Vamos hacer historia …”, le posteó.

The rain of the salvadoreños luce bellísima a bordo de la jet ski. Photo / Instagram @ vanevelasquez1

The creator of the social program “Angel Hands” did not miss the time since the coronation of Miss Universe El Salvador, November 2, 2020. As a good professional of integrated communications and marketing, he has been involved with key figures who can sum up points. He also traveled to the Miss Universe headquarters and shared time with Zozibini Tunzi and Asia Branch, Miss Universe and Miss USA, respectively, in New York.

The young communicator demonstrates that the 2020 challenge has the focus on the new opportunities that the 2021. Photo / Instagram @ vanevelasquez1
