Forwarding passengers to the people at the Los Blancos beach in San Luis La Herradura | El Salvador News

According to preliminary information, the victims were attacked by suspects in the area and died while being taken to Zacatecoluca Hospital.

A double homicide was committed this morning at the Los Blancos beach, located in San Luis La Herradura, La Paz department.

According to preliminary information provided by the Police, the parties will play the game, and when it comes to retiring, they will be intercepted by police. The men would make serious hereditary deaths, the two women would be released.

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Salvament Commands inform that the mourning victims when he was transferred to the Hospital of Zacatecoluca.

At the moment, the identities of the victims and the mob are known.

The double homicide is the result of a series of violent deaths during the last weeks. El Salvador cerró 2020 with 1,322 homicidios, which is important for the 20 mores of 100,000 inhabitants.

In 2019, there were 2,398 homicides, 36 walls per 100,000 inhabitants.

The Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and Barrio 18 pandillas, among others, have 70,000 members in El Salvador, more than 17,000 of them encircled, and are dedicated to extraction, narcotics and other illegal activities.
