Fortnite Pro sleeps over during the tournament and costs his team

Competitive Fortnite player Deyy fell asleep before a match in the EpikWhale Cup, which cost his team huge costs, and increased the rush of teammate Cented.

A Fortnite group taking part in the EpikWhale Cup in March is causing a stir on Twitter, but not by qualifying in the final – there is rather a drama between teammates Cented and Deyy after the latter fell asleep and missed a match , and provoked the rest of his team, still very alert, at a disadvantage. But the real news is not necessarily that an overworked contestant simply fell asleep, but rather that the teammates chose to erase their grievances on Twitter so their collective audience could see it.

The competition in question is the debut of the EpikWhale Cup, which in collaboration between the pro player of the same name and Fortnite developer Epic Games. The four-person group offered a prize pool of $ 10,000, which is quite substantial given the tournament’s relatively small size. Although it is not exactly the pinnacle of the Fortnite season it serves as a preparation opportunity for the coming Fortnite Champion Series. Competitive players Cented and Deyy, who already have a productive competition Fortnite Despite being only 15, he teamed up with other players, Commandment and NRG Edgey, to take part in the tournament that started on March 11th.

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But while the team had a strong start and finished second in qualifying for the finals, there was trouble in paradise when Deyy disappeared for an entire five-game game because he, as it turns out, , decides to sleep before an afternoon nap. the match started, which led to him completely missing it. This meant that his teammates could not stand in line for the match, and increased Cented’s anger, especially after Deyy made a few tweets that were ultimately dismissive of what came down. Deyy, who is 15 again and does have a regular high school schedule, initially ignored the issues that arose from his nap, but Cented Twitter to reprimand him in public for his alleged lack of professionalism. None of the tweets were removed, and Deyy has since issued an apology.

The whole situation shows that there can be a conversation about minors participating in high school sports, especially if they are still in school. Although Deyy did not carry him with a true adulthood, this is understandable given his age, and it will probably be a difficult but necessary lesson for him to learn. Cented recently broke up with Team Liquid to sign up for FaZe Clan, and he probably wanted to make a strong impression, but highlighting his grievances to his teammate on Twitter was not a very professional move, although it was easy is to understand his frustration – esports is his career, while Deyy has more urgent commitments and is not yet at a point where he can compete as a full-time career if he prefers.

What is important is that the two players eventually reconcile at the end and hopefully be wiser for the whole situation before season 6 starts. The two Fortnite players continue to joke on Twitter in a public show of camaraderie, and Cented, to his credit, now reminds his followers of what he probably should have remembered in the first place – Deyy is 15, and goes on a lot without the competitive community giving him grief.

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Source: @ Centered7, @DeyyFN

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