Fortnite Guide: Investigating a Deviation in Lazy Lake

Deviations are back for Fortnite Season 6 and solving their puzzles gives players new costumes for Agent Jones, the level 1 Battle Pass reward. These deviations will continue throughout the season as players unlock new Battle Pass levels at their own pace, but we have the details for the first one here.

You unlock the Lazy Lake Anomaly puzzle when you reach Battle Pass level 14, which also happens to be when you unlock Lara Croft. With her comes this Anomaly puzzle, so go to Battle Royale or Team Rumble and fall into Lazy Lake.

The specific home you are aiming for is shown below. It is a blue house on the north side of the said place, which sits next to a strange yellow house to the right of the lake itself.

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Here’s what it will look like at street level.

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Go to the front door and immediately notice that a dazzling butterfly is hovering above the dining table. It moves quickly down in the basement level and disappears into a teddy bear sitting in a chair.

Smash the wall in front of the bear to reveal a secret room containing a peculiar glass counter decorated with empty jewel slots. This is your Anomaly puzzle.

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To solve this, you need to activate each gem in the correct order. Approach each slot and use the interaction button – do not worry, it is quite forgiving if you stop. You know when you inserted a gem correctly, because it will stay in place. If it disappears, you want to start again until you place the four gems in the correct order.

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We have tested the puzzle several times already and it seems that the solution does not change. Here is the correct order to insert the jewelry by color:

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After you have done this correctly, the anomaly reappears in the center of the screen. Interact again with it to complete the challenge and Agent Jones deserves a stylish, albeit flimsy, suit to wear later.

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We still have many solutions for Anomaly puzzles to share if we encounter them in the coming days.

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