Formula 1: Drive to Survive: Checo Pérez ni autógrafos quería dar

Mexico City /

A year from distance coronavirus brote the things he changed, for a while, when he was not aware of the pandemic, the reaction of the world to death, trial and error ante the virus, as well as passed in the Formula 1 preview the initiation of the temporary 2020, as can be seen in the first chapter of the period 3 of “Formula 1: Drive to Survive”.

The first minutes of the first chapter of the pre-emptive chapter in Barcelona y es ahí cuando Daniel Ricciardo enters the scene with a telephone call from Australia on behalf of her mother, who is worried about what to do with the pandemic

“With many journeys are using a mascara, ¿verdad?, Ask Ricciardo’s mother.” – Mamá, esta bien, al parecer si bebes corona, tu system immune se fortalece. “Never was my favorite serve, but the bereavement was done,” the pilot replied.

The pretemora is as if it were nothing, but the signs of the pandemic and the rondaban el paddock ‘n only four days of the initiation of the time with the Great Australian Award all era incurredumbre, pero without modifications, pese a que varios deportes ya comenzaban a cancelar sus eventos

At the 26th minute, there were meetings Max Verstappen and his teammate Alex Albon, who reads the label of what appears to be an antibacterial gel, “dice que mata el coronavirus”, a lo que Max le responde, “¿Mata al coronavirus? Por qué no nos lo ponemos por todo el cuerpo”.

The preoccupation followed latent and yet Checo Pérez fue the first pilot of the F1 to be contagious by covid-19 in August passed, in the documentary during the Grand Prix of Australia it appears that there is no question of autographs and following all the tax records of the organizers.

“Lo siento, no me dejan tocar ninguna pluma que no sea mía”, responded the tapatío to an aficionado.

Al finale, the first premiere of the Formula 1 of Australia, cancels, luego de que dos mecánicos de Mclaren presents covid-19 and other times later will confirm positive, leading to the cancellation of the start of the time.
