For what ‘Huis van M’ series reference for the series?

WandaVision is available in Disney +.

When we talk about Wanda Maximoff / Scarlett Witch (o La Bruja Escarlata, pues), is inevitably not a thinker and one of the most powerful characters of admire. It’s in the comics or in the cinematic universe that we know, it’s what we’ve been demonstrating that it’s capable of doing when sand the chance to exploit its potential.

No hay que irnos muy lejos: tan solo en Endgame, we will present how to force the permission to apply to Thanos for own property in that last epic battle. Now, a long time since the story of the Titan ended, the avenger is preparing to put his series on Disney + and one more great week the ability to certify the outstanding triggers of its abilities.

For what ‘Huis van M’ series reference for the series?

Photo: Disney

Well, when it comes to getting rid of all the power and capacity of the protagonist now, we will not go all out on the history of House of M, one of the most incredible story stories in the history of the editorial house. Hecho, hay many things that our hacen think that this story will be the basis on which it will fail WandaVision.

House of M

It’s the year 2005 and Marvel found itself in the first years of its era. In Fox, he triunfado los X mans y af Sony hace lo propio la franquicia de Spider man with Tobey McGuire and Sam Raimi. And the comics? Tal vez no tienen el mismo alcance entre el public, pero sin duda son un espacio que permite experiment with more freedom the crossover and the related stories. This year, Brian Michael Bendis se rifa y lanza House of M.

History unfolds in the same space of time as the saga of Avengers: Disassembled and our example to one Wanda Maximoff afligida loses control over its alteration powder of reality. She finds herself in the nation of Genosha being aided by her father, Magneto, and Professor Charles Xavier, who with his psychic powders impede that the things are salgan of control … but soon it will be too late.

Poster of ‘House Of M’ in 2005. Photo: Marvel Comics

Charles meets in New York with some Avengers, the X-Men and Dr. Strange to determine what to do with La Bruja Escarlata then the mutant mentor can not control more. Wolverine baraja the possibility of assesinarla ante los pocos recursos que tienen en sus manos, pero nadie se da cuenta que Mercury, hermano de la poderosa hechicera, está espiando la conversación.

The mutant with the power of hyperventilation regresses to Genosha and advises his father, Magneto, about what tramples the heroes. Llenos de incetidumbre, comienzan to think what plan to leave in order to release Wanda’s possible assignment.

The Avengers and mutants lie to Genosha only to be told that Maximoff and his father are not. Of course, each of the heroic deer appears to have a white light extending around the world: is the power of the Bruja, who finally lost the total control of his abilities .

La Bruja Escarlata in ‘House Of M’. Photo: Marvel Comics


The alternative world

In the new reality created by Wanda, the change papers and now the mutants are the dominant race while the common human being is the minority. Another singularity is that some characters like Charles Xavier, Hawkeye and Vision have disappeared, pero superhumanos ‘sobrevivientes’ now gozan de una vida plena y feliz. The example is Spider-Man, a man known, casado with Gwen Stacy and who has been with his Tío Ben vivo.

Magneto, for his part, is the sovereign governor of Genosha and lives in full with his dynasty: Pietro and Wanda and their daughters, in addition to the Polaris mutant. In a series of events, Wolverine is one of the pocos who records the incident and concludes that the heroic demons enter into reason, which is available to the Magneto Dynasty.

La Bruja Escarlata in ‘House Of M’. Photo: Marvel Comics

In the event, everything happens at the moment of the change of reality. Fue el propio Mercury who says to Wanda that he will change his universe to make all the happy ones before he dies. During the asedio, the revelation to Magneto the world over which he passed with reality and he left his power over all, provoking the death of his brother Pietro. Eso derivative of another Wanda fury arrangement that apparently devolves into all of the original reality, but provoking that the mutant population is reduced while it disappears.

The references in ‘WandaVision’: A sale for the mutants?

Hemos viso los advances previen al estreno de la series y una cosa llama la attención es que la trama hthere will be a record by the dry era and other stages of state television. In this sense, we can assume that this is a series of works of property Wanda Maximoff, quien estaría deformando la realidad ‘n vrywilliger.

There are various explanations and one of them is that Elizabeth Olsen’s character is ‘imagining’ como series the life with Vision if no hubiese death in the account of Infinity War). I’ve been wondering how it’s recreating its relationship with the android created by Stark inside a universe full of classic EE.UU television references.

Vision and ‘WandaVision’. Photo: Marvel Studios.

And now that we have references, one of the advances has come up with a reference of the angle that the series could support with House of M. She uses her powders to serve a glass of wine from a bottle while she is lying ‘Maison Du Mepris’. The fanatics have speculated about it and that the translation of that phrase is Casa del Desprecio series.

It will be seen that the power of bruja is established or is being controlled and by it recreate in its mind all that we see in WandaVision? And better yet: will this be the final angle for the mutants to enter the MCU? Everything can happen. We see what he says.

Interview with WandaVision Elenco
