For the second time, Galilee Montijo is contagious with Covid-19

The new account, Galilee Montijo enrolls in Covid-19, informs the conductor that as soon as the persons in question contact the notary who is being contacted, the quick test and the laboratory, both positive salaries are carried out.

“We are some people who care a lot, that we take the exam in short periods and this weekend I will notify the people who work directly with me, who are feeling bad about the fires, and automatically went to the laboratory on Monday, the 7th of the month, and the truck had arrived. The fast-moving test is positive ”, related to its matinee companions.

This is where the first result, called the producer of the matutino, Andrea Rodríguez, and she put the foot in the box and put it in the corner.

Two months ago, when Galilee was exposed for the first time, two sins occurred on that second occasion. Ahora, su hijo Mateo también se contagio.

“The same body color, a huge gargantuan color, differs from the other has no cabeza color, the very aggravating degree, because the other’s cube color is terrible, fever has not given me, a Mateo sí le dio mucha fiebre toda la madrugada; I have a negative salary, ”he said.

Montijo agrees that he did not feel that he had failed to agree with the previous opportunity, but this time he voted.

“I was not told that the air was missing, so it was the other time, even though it was a pain in the ass”.

“I was very much tempted by the nausea, thinking that I had something wrong with the house price; no sé, esta enfermedad es tan extraña que la verdad no sé si estoy entrando o estoy saliendo ”, confesó.

Galilee dijo que no cree en la immunidad, y lamentó estar enferma de nuve cuente porque dice, ama su trabajo y le gusta estar assets, pero sabe que tiene que cuidarse.

“I have a lot of people to say, that I’m going to give it to you, because I’ve not been able to create my antique because I’ve had two months since I gave birth in November and it’s the time when I’m pregnant and I’m. no creo tampoco in la immunidad ”, aggregate.

Hoy’s drivers are making a public outcry for signing and following the guard. At the moment, Covid’s tests that apply to the matutino team have negative results.


  • Mexico
  • Galilea Montijo
  • Coronavirus
  • Pandemic
  • Infections
  • Enfermedad
  • Pruebas
  • Spectacles
