Follow the vicissitudes at the airport Las Américas tras nuevas medidas norteamericanas

Largas filas, quejas, vuelos perdidos e inconformidad es elan panorama viv este mércoles en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Las Américas (AILA), José Francisco Peña Gómez, luego de que cientos pasenderes quedarán varadas teste martes por nas present as it solicits the restrictive new media of the North American authorities.

At the entrance of the second level of the referendum airport, the families of Evelyn Díaz and Melissa Molina returned in the vehicles to search for those who were driving by presenting proven PCR disabilities.

“It just so happens that I’m hating the PCR test that they pid, but I’m dying to have one more day,” Molina explained.

In the case of Díaz, the situation was similar to that which was intended to be carried out in a laboratory operating inside the AILA installations, without embarrassment, in the presence of a number of persons.

Derik Caza, who intends to travel from Puerto Rico, is keen to make the move and wait his turn, pointing out that he has more hours to spare.

This case, moreover, is one of those that took place in the terminal on the night of this March and presented a sample of the song in a negative PCR test or the Antigen against the Covid-19.

Requisites to travel to EE.UU

The Director of Communications for Dominican Airports Siglo XXI (Aerodom), Luís José López, demonstrated that since last March the city authorities have demanded that all passengers of more than one year be destined for their territory to have a PC 19 or more antigen realized within the 72 hours of travel.

López underlined that the Mayor of the passengers had presented proof that he did not recognize the place of the place, by which he had a lame to all those who had planned journeys to meet the correct test.
