FMLN militant attacker is PNC agent, second family | El Salvador News

The Minister of Security of the Minister of Health, Francisco Alabí, sided with one of the attackers of a group of militants of the FMLN, the former home, of the two walled houses; is the origin of a people of Cuscatlán.

In Candelaria, a suburb of the Cuscatlán department, located on the eastern bank of the Ilopango lake, I saw that Diego Francisco Alvarado Peña was working as a security guard for the Ministry of Health, Francisco Alabí.

Blanca y Francisco, sus padres, tampoco saben cómo es que había conseguido ese puesto; of which it is said to be safe is that it is a member of the National Civil Police (PNC) and that the four anteriorly sage of its live haci its work in San Salvador.

LEE TAMBIÉN: Fiskale bekragtiging que entre detinidos vinculados al atack a militantes del FMLN están agentur de seuridad de Salud

Diego, as his cousin in his hometown, is 30 years old, and at the end of his bachelor’s term in a private college of Cojutepeque, he joined the National Academy of Public Safety (ANSP).

Hasta donde estan enterados, los padres de Diego afirman que continuu en la PNC.

However, it is surprising that the police institution informed the shark about its condition of health and the legal problem in which it was allegedly involved: haber separated against a group of sympathizers of the FMLN party, of the two murals two.

Ayer, both people say that they do not know much about the situation of his wife. Afirmaron que no lo han podido ver ni hablar con él porque han han dich that is unconscious. “Tal vez cuando despierte, él cuente cómo está todo esto que a mi me tiene confundida”, blanca blanca, quien afirma tener temor de que les suceda algo malo por todo lo que ha dicho de su hijo y del caso.

In Candelaria, there is no secret that Diego was sent to a media group of attackers and members of the FMLN through media outlets and social media.

Ayer to the media tarde, many lugareños ya habían visto las photos de Diego donde apparece supuestamente en el embarkadero del lago Ilopango, y otra donde se lo ve con un fusil dentro de un vehicula.

CONTINUES LEYENDO: Assembly assembles President Bukele and Vice President Ulloa avoids being called to the audio and confrontation

Moments of the attack on the armed forces, it is clear that the members of the FMLN have been attacked by individuals in a state of disarray and reported to a football club separated from the political caravan.

Without embarrassment, for Diego’s fathers as the cause of surprise for his wife, he had to give up, salio el viernes to make his turn of work, in addition, only he saw that he was embarrassed and had a bad time, affirmaron.

Municipal candlesticks of Candelaria also include the reports that are being made against Diego; make sure that no one knows that there is a problematic person in the room.

Of those who have no doubts, it is the car from which it is said that the caravan of the Front was attacked, is the Diego.

Another attack by a security minister

It is not the first time that security staff of this Gobierno have been involved in intolerance.

On March 12, 2020, Melvin Omar Quezada Hernández, framed by the security of the Minister of the Environment, was caught red-handed with his fleet of vehicles, against another car driver, in a tram on the Boulevard Merliot, municipality of Santa Tecla.

The capture was made in such a way that video surveillance cameras reveal details of the attacker and the vehicle that drives it, a motorcycle.

In contrast to Diego Francisco Alvarado Peña, Quezada Hernández’s vecinos described him as a problematic person, discussing which of his vecnas in the Jardines del Volcán colony, he had installed a series of vigilance video cameras, in addition.
