FMLN lawsuit filed against Bukele’s activist activist

The lawsuit was filed against FGR and the Public Prosecutor’s Office for the Defense of Human Rights.

Members of the FMLN denounce the General Taxation of the Republic (FGR) and the Public Prosecutor’s Office for the Defense of the Human Rights (PDDH)’n a supuesto ‘communicator’ of the government of the radio for persecution, accusations and expressions of violence against Roberto Silva.

The verdict, along with other people who credited the emissary at the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) as members of Radio El Salvador, entered the hotel to unravel the final scrutiny while following the candidate of feminist Daniela Genovez in a video, and the channel of Youtube de Silva.

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The supuesto communicator, who in his Youtube channel shares a lot of information in favor of Nayib Bukele, has a live broadcast of this moment in which he advertises to Genovez por, supuestamente, insultar a otros kolegas, lo dual nich et schucha grabación.

In the video he sees that the efemelenista has the local assigned to the FMLN inside the hotel and is told that the word: “because what is going on”. Enter the gate again.

A police agent is confronted with being in a restricted zone, but he says he will say: “Ahorita le vamos a tirar a la autoridad superior”.

José Roberto Silva Rugamas, the creditor of the TSE credentials, is a member of Radio El Salvador. Photo: EDH / Jonathan Funes

Al preguntársele quién le había gado la credencial y si trabajaba para la radio del gobierno también arremetió contra los periodistas.

The FMLN’s deputy Yancy Urbina classified these incidents as actions of “political violence” in confirming the denunciation that hicieron.

“It is the same as the partner Daniela together with various representatives of the party presenting algo in the FGR and also in the Procuraduría of Human Rights, hecho, entendería yo, that this is the procedure because the agreement is a violent aggression against the company, violen” , Dijo.

For his part, the deputy Karina Sosa manifested that his actions were aimed at the object of provocations, but that he was not harmed in it.

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“He mandated provocation, we do not want to be involved in provocation, but we also want to say that we are loyal to our companions and we will take cards in the account”, he said.

During the incident, Genovez signaled: “I am the one who told the Police that he violated the article 55 of the Integral Ley Specialized for A Free Violence Book for Women (LEIV) for expressions of violence against women; the police did not act, they did not detect at the moment what I was doing, including wanting to enter our local to the fire, hizo allamiento to a private space ”.

I added that the supuesto communicator “from the day of ayer (viernes) has been with me following and insulting me”.

The candidate for the FMLN confirmed on Twitter that she had been accused of tax evasion. Photo: Twitter / @DanielaGenovez
