FMI forecasts: What economies are recovering with more forces and more late delays? | Economy

A motorcyclist paraded in front of the Casino Lisbon of Macao, February 4, 2020.
A motorcyclist paraded in front of the Casino Lisbon of Macao, February 4, 2020.GEtty

In Libya, the fragile is the welcome silence of the Fusiles. In Macao, the sound of the ball that wants to run in the day and night roulette. The country with the largest reserves of oil in Africa and the Asian center of the casinos will be the most creepy this year 2021, according to the forecasts of the International Monetary Fund. In the case of Libya, GDP will advance by 131%, which means that activity will increase by more than double by 2020. In Macao, the figure will be 61.2%.

Ambos territories are trying to get rid of the crisis in a precedent-setting crisis, albeit for very different reasons: Libya, which is surrounded by millions of inhabitants, has been a target for Europe’s ports since an armed conflict broke out. involucrado extranjeras potancias. In 2020, the economy will rise to 59.7%. The Chinese administrative region of Macao, home to 640,000 people, has been the victim of the economic model pandemic, totally dependent on tourism. Its result is 56.3%, practically one of war in war. First of all, the elections that must be organized by the actual governing body are light on the horizon. In the second, the peor has passed: the benefits of the lower game in March a 58% respect to the previous year due to the end of the restrictions, which allowed the Chinese customer legion to buy chips for the bank new. Your activity is not the only one this year. In 2022, the escalada will continue with 43% of critical value, cifras solo positions and Estados confrontados a un enormous shock.

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The numbers published this March by the International Monetary Fund conclude that the world will experience a sharp increase in the shortfall of 6% in 2021 and 4.4% in 2022, for the recovery of multiple velocities. This is what the IMF recognizes: “What much can be done to overcome the pandemic and avoid a persistent increase in the number of countries in the country and the divergence of the gap between the economies”, he said. If Libya and Macao are the car of the recovery, countries like Venezuela are the cross. Pese to frame double digit GDP durations over the last fifty years, the IMF calculates that its economy will contract another 10% in 2021, converting to a black point of one region, Latin America and the Caribbean, which will create the 4th, 6%. A global global, solo el pequeño archipiélago oceánico de Palaos, which apenas 20,000 inhabitants, se comportará ligeramente peor (-10.8%).

Nicolás Maduro’s Executive has not been able to put in place a evacuation campaign in the same rhythm as his vecinos. Pero los problemas vien de lejos. As the FMI proposes, the decision of the Venezuelan economy does not result in a failure to provide complete information that proportionates the authorities, the effects of hyperinflation that apply to the country, and the difficulties for calculating the amount due to real debt. Therefore, the llid entity collects the data with cautela. “Una gran incetidumbre rodea estas proyecciones”, admit

Syria, another country with millions of its displaced people, is one more example of the complexity that results in forecasts for devastated nations, in its case by war. The IMF has been obliged to refuse to publish projections on economic development “in the light of the political situation”, just as it has in the case of Lebanon.

The countries that are closing this year in negative are a minority: between them, in addition to Venezuela and Palaos, there are the oceanic islands of Tonga, Samoa, Micronesia and the Marshall Islands; Belarussian hermetics, controlled by a man-made army by Alexander Lukashenko — at the point of international mirage in the representation of the dissidents — and the Caribbean islands of Antigua and Barbuda. Although the recovery will be solid in many countries, it is abundant in those who believe in double digits, because of the distance between them and India. The second most populous country in the world (1,300 million inhabitants) will have 12.5% ​​of GDP next year and 6.9% next, respectively, of China’s holiday bags (8.4% and 5, 6%), if well Pekín capeó the golpe of 2020 much more thanks to his mayor control of the pandemic, with what afloat the vuelta to the normality of an umbrella more than the developed countries.

Its impulse is to include the countries included in the “Emerging Asia” category in the most recent year (8.6% over a period of 1% in 2020), by as much as 6.4% of EE UU (descending one 3.5% in the last year) or 4.4% in the eurozone (through one more pronounced case, of 6.6%).
