Floyd: What new burden does Derek Chauvin imputate? – EEUU and Canada – International

El juez estadounidense Peter Cahill impute your debts to the police Derek Chauvin with a new cargo, from assigned to third degree, for the death of George Floyd, which unveiled a year of racial protests all over EE. UU.

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Cahill this decision was made by the Tribunaal Supremo statataal of Minnesota opt for not accepting an appeal from Chauvin’s defense front to new cargo. With this new imputation, Chauvin afronta, además, los cargos de assesinato en segondo grad and de homicidio en segundo grad.

El exagente blanco was hit on May 25, 2020 by security cameras and cellular transitions while pressurizing its rod during 8 minutes in 46 seconds against Floyd’s cue, who is the one who can not breathe and finally asphyxiation.

With the admission of the third cargo, the jury will have another option to consider Chauvin if he considers his actions to be a second-degree assignment, which implies that he has not been premeditated for having intention to eat, while the third degree indicates that has no intention of killing or that it is a negligence that acabó in the death of the victim.

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Derek Chauvin

The verdict against Derek Chauvin will be the first in the case. The other three implicated parties were initiated in August.

Conditioned by the second grade, the police force could face a maximum fine of 40 years, while the loaded cargo by third degree can be up to 25 years in prison.

It is hoped that the verdict against Chauvin will be heard on March 29, according to which the 12-member court case will be completed.


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