Florida Camera, United States, salvage with secret signals and a ninth abusive sentence

Miami, United States.

A camera of a restaurant of Orlando (Florida center) will probably save the life of a nineteen 11 year old from torture and abuse to log that the minor, to the message with his padres, the respondent with secret signals that need help, informs you jueves a local medium.

The hechos are produced the 1st of January passed in the restaurante mev. potato, when adults and minors are sent to the moon and one room, Flavine Carvalho, fue a tomarles la orden y noto que el niño presentaba multiple contusions and moretones en los brazos y la cara.

I can find that the father does not order any food for the chick, fijarse in the visible moratone y ver en el niño una actuct apocada, fue que la mujer decidió no quedarse de brazos cruzados.

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Please write a note that says “NEED U HULP? OK” (¿Necesitas help?, OK) y se la mistros al niño mientras staba de pie detrás del hombre para que no pudiera cerciorarse de ello.

The nine with a signal, quizzed, but continue to be very vigilant to the woman, by which Carvalho volvió a preguntarle sin necesitaba ayuda con otra nota y, esta vez, el niño asintió con la cabeza, recogió el channel Nuus 6.

If it’s related to this very nervous woman, in a conversation of five minutes, to the agent of the police who was waiting for her call on the line of 911 and decided to send a patrol to the restaurant to investigate.

In an interview with the detectives of the Orlando Police, the nineteenth relates incidents of maltreatment and torture on the part of his fathers, as being attacked with corrections on the tobils and the cuelo and colgarle boca abajo of a puerta.

Also the esposaban, the golpeaban with a scoop and the ataban have a roda platform.

Los padres del menor, Timothy Wilson and Kristen Swann, were arrested and charged with charges of aggravated abuse of minors and child negligence.

“To say abuse is to say something like a lie, a torture that this child has committed”, the detective signaled Erin Lawler Police, and precisely: “The nine have all types of hematomas in different stages, not an isolated incident. Fueron abuses and tortures continue”.

La Orlando Police alabó el dora musrado por Carvalho y el cuidado hacia un niño que no conocía. “We are sorry that we live like her and work in our community”, dijo.

Authorities indicate that some of the children were taken away from the custody of their father and, at the moment, “very well and very happy”.

Multiple cases of abuse and torture of minors committed in Florida. One of the most sonados since the death in 2011 of a nine adopted and the torture of his wife gemelo.
