Florecen in social speeches suspects against vacancies

In the entire global evacuation campaign against the COVID-19, social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have intensified the gap against the information that seeks to increase the confidentiality of vacancies … but abundant problems.

During these years the various platforms will allow antivacial propaganda to flourish, which will inevitably occur with these sentiments. Additionally, their campaigns to share other information classes on the COVID-19 with data verification, advertising and other media mediums are brilliant for their length.

Vanuit die e-pos, Twitter, sal dit borrará mentiras peligrosas sobre las vacunas tal como ha hecho con otras theories conspirativas y misinformation relacionadas con el COVID, pero des April de 2020 apenas ha eliminato un total de 8,400 tuits, una pequeña franch mentions tiroteadas diariamente con users with millions of followers, say the critics.

“Mientras demoran en tomar medidas, se pierden vidas”, dijo Imran Ahmed, director of the organizing center for countering digital hatred (Centro para contrarrestar el odio digital). In December, this NGO hallowed with 59 million views on social media following the promotion of anti-vaccine propaganda, many of which are its mega-diffusers of enormous popularity.

Ate the intentions of suppressing the disinformation about the vacancies are alzan clamors against the censorship and some diffusers recur tactical tactics to avoid the fire.

“It’s a difficult situation because it will last for a long time,” said Jeanine Guidry, a professor at the Virginia Statebond University who studies social media and health information. “The people who use social media have been able to dissuade what is needed during a decade.”

The Associated Press identifies the Facebook address and Facebook messages, which enable them to know the millions of followers, and to obtain the information of falsa sobre la vacuna contra el COVID-19 o han han desalentado su uso. Some of these pages have been around for years.

Of the more than 15 pages identified by NewsGuard, a technology company that analyzes the credibility of web pages, the number of active Facebook posts, can be found by the AP.

One of its pages, The Truth About Cancer, with more than a million followers on Facebook, has since been suggested by infants that vaccines can provoke autism in other children and infants. NewsGuard unveiled in November as a “disinformation broadcaster about the caravan against the COVID-19”.

Recently the page published information about vacancies and coronavirus. Now indicate to users who subscribe to their news site and visit their website to avoid the “censorship” issue.

Facebook dijo estar tomando “aggressive measures to combat misinformation in our apps to eliminate millions of notes about COVID-19 and the Facebook and Instagram vacancies during the pandemic”.

“The investigations reveal that one of the best ways to promote the acceptance of vacancies is to provide accurate and confidential information, by connecting 2,000 million people with information from the health authorities and launching a global information campaign.” , give the company a communication.

Facebook forbids the publicity that desalienta the use of vacancies and dijo that aggregates advertisements with more than 167 million publications about the COVID-19 thanks to its network of data verifiers. The propi AP is one of the verifying companies of Facebook data.

YouTube, which in general has avoided the vigilance class on which there are sometimes other social speeches because it has also been a source of misinformation, since it has eliminated more than 30,000 videos since October, while emphatically prohibiting false statements about vacancies against the COVID-19. Since February 2020, it has eliminated more than 800,000 videos related to pertussis or English information about the coronavirus, said Elena Fernandez.

Without embarrassment, in anticipation of the pandemic, the social media do not seek to eliminate the misinformation, said Andy Pattison, managing digital solutions of the World Health Organization. In 2019, when a brothel was razed to the north by the United States and caused decades of deaths in Samoa Estadounidense, Pattison wreaked havoc on the technology companies that were adjusting the standards for disinformation relative to homes, even in those days.

Apparently, the COVID-19’s desires are satisfied with many of these companies’ efforts to achieve auditions. Now reunite all weeks with Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to analyze trends on its platforms and media to study.

“Tratándose of information about vacancies, the most frustrating thing is that there are years ago”, said Pattison.

The blanks of this suelen adaptation adapt quickly. Some accounts recurrence term the bad words like “vakseen” or “v @ x” to burn the automatic filters and delete the prohibitions (The social speeches say their consciences). Other opt-in messages, images or more useful memes to indicate that vacancies are insured or inclusive.

“When walls are vacant, walls are smaller than the window”, he said in an Instagram account with more than 65,000 followers to indicate that the governing state observes the deaths caused by the window against the COVID-19.

“There is a very different difference between the freedom of expression and the erosion of science,” said Pattison. Information leaks “learn the rules and move on the boards all the time”.
