Five steps to follow in Chivas to radiate to # NiñosCaguengues

LOS ANGELES – Víctor Manuel Vucetich there is a lack of activity in the players of Chivas, but the technician does not use phrases like “chaos” or “crisis”. “A bad moment”, explains. The reality is a statistical buffet: two points of 12 possibilities.

Last week, the players were created to be in a “crisis”, and to avoid the “chaos”, they had to be buried. “Nos dijimos de todo”, revealed a player to various media.

Psychologists are called upon to call this catharsis exercise as “group therapy”. And while it’s getting worse, the best results should be given.

Pero, ante Juárez, Chivas ratified that it is in crisis and in a tactical, animistic, moral, futuristic and disciplinary chaos. Pierde por 1-2. Dear, the bitter Isaac Rojas is a case of eviction and should mark a possible penalty.

Pero recurri semejantes explanations solo dimensionen, la impotence de Chivas as a football team. Quejarse así, es un escapismo la la autocritica.

This remedy is no-crisis and no-chaos, according to the criterion of Vucetich? By supuesto que lo tiene. Pero, implica decisions drásticas.


Chivas no ten un cuadro basis. Y no porque no pueda, sino porque el térniek no quiere. Have chosen to try, improvise, experiment, divagar. The football player is insured for the benefit of the Mexican player. Y Vucetich la fomenta.

El Guadalajara, in the papel, has players for an offensive football profile. Without embarrassment, prevalence, by the coach’s DNA, is a losing strategy, as a point of departure.

Vucetich has played with the stability of footballers. Fernando Beltrán lives in the future. Chicote Calderón sale con cadenas –cuando sale–, desde el vestidor. Al Canelo Angulo solo the missing door game. Ante Juarez, when Uriel Antuna disallowed the initial orders, he became even more envious of the team.

Its rotations are equal to the degree of extravagance similar and few exits, as the Juan Carlos Osorio.

Solution: Define a base team, fortalecerlo in the semanal work to establish the differences between titles and extensions, but, most importantly, without denying internal competence.


No hay. There is not a player in the game with the authority and the weight, for the sake of the referee, exaltar to the players.

At the distance there are types of aters, atemorizados, compungidos, resigned. Y lo peor: abandonados, desprotegidos.

Because, Usted recalls that the footballer, and especially the Mexican, in moments of crisis or disappointment in the marketer, is happy, unhappy, and his insecurities are olvida of the group and treat himself to his own battle. Yes, I understand, Usted, well: it’s the first to abandon the boat.

¿Hooilederes? It is thought that Jesus Molina could load up with this volume of responsibility. Impossible. When the team needs it the most, it encounters itself by increasing the number of others, or, once, advancing the game, making it poor, because it does not coordinate the effort to reduce the clarity of ideas.

¿Oribe Peralta? If you are not capable of gaining the title, then you can gain the respect and the credibility. The players who do not recover have more relics than an act of fetishism or a delirium of superstition. El hermoso has changed his speech.

And when there are no tears in the cane, nothing serves patient sabiduria, parsimoniousness, of those standing in the bank, by me Rey Midas que alguna vez, hace mucho tiempo, haya sido.

Solution? Si Vucetich ya no sabe, no puede o no quiere, tal vez la arenga antes de cada partido deba darla Ricardo Peláez, which sums up its compromise, which sums up its deities, which encounters the phrase of the quals is important.


Chivas is a castrado team. His players play balloons as ninfas assisted in the safety of his girls. Temen barrerse, temen arriesgar el pellejo. Prometen dejar la vida en la cancha y cuidan más the artistic manicure that the hicieron in the week.

If they are particularly rude, like Hiram Mier – and he has varios–, custodiaran su portería con la vehemencia que protegen su rostro, sus partes nobles y evitan barrerse para ne dejar embarrada la epidermis y sus delicadas cutículas en la cancha, si con ese delirio aesthetically defend the shirt, Chivas does not abandon the rotten canach, and in addition, increases the testosterone level to play each balloon.

Y esto es reflejo de la falta de liderazgo. It’s preferable to have an outrageous UFC, Pollo Briseño test, which the tibios and exquisites that manda a la cancha Vucetich? No doubt. There’s one more thing that abandons the dog until adversary’s song, that those who are more preoccupied with the gel with gel and its perfumed axils.

The personality is not bought or demanded. Pero, the professional responsibility, yes, and the players of Chivas is punctual and generously remunerated. Here, now, is the mix of leadership and authority, and directly responsible for Peláez, who has to walk the can, to the locker room and the cabin of each of the first cherubim without the joy of gladiators.


Chivas equivoca in las jugadas a balon parade. Las enfrenta mal en contra, y las desaprovecha ‘n guns. Diagnostic: Weekly work failure.

Chivas equivoca in the relevos and accompaniments of the jugadas. The players do not know what to expect from their companions because they change in each game. Diagnostic: Weekly work failure.

Chivas is supernumerated in attack. Con Matías Almeyda and up to Saturnino Cardozo, has six players pulling the ball in the air in the opposite area. Hoy lo hace con o tres cuatro. Diagnostic: Weekly work failure.

Chivas suffers from defensive relevances. The player replies by lying to anticipate. The player enters precipitously on the mark. Diagnostic: Weekly work failure.

Off El Rebaño de Verde Valle el sueldo se gana fasil. Hora y media, lo lo sumo, de un medianamente vigoroso eiercicio, ya casa oa fiandas clandestinas, porque éstas siguen, aunque ahora decomisan los teléfonos al entrar para evitar videos.

Do you think this is a technical step or the imposition of a conformity directive on players? Le molesta a Vucetich the sun or the free air, the magnificent place of Verde Valle to work a little more, oa Peláez to dedicate one minute to tax the work of the teams during the day.

Ante the illiteracy evident to play as a team, and as a means of discipline, a double training session no one has given up on anyone. To sanitize dolencias, or to perfect systems, do not have to do a routine of three hours or more training in the style of Ricardo La Volpe, without the need for his despotism and tyranny.

Pero, spirits mimados in the trainings, solo darán spirits mimados and minados in the cancha.


¿Víctor Manuel Vucetich play to lose, with the hope of winning, by decision own or by demanding compliance of his leadership? ¿Peláez y Amaury Vergara the exact results and style of gameplay with the historical grandeur of Chivas? O ni siquiera –negligentemente– llegaron a conversar ese tema.

Is the rank of tolerance for the players and the maternal philosophy of the technical or business library of OmniLife?

The judge is at the mercy of the critics. Social speeches do not occur in the capability of their cynicism. Tal vez, entonces, llegó the moment of subirles al cadalso, de treparlos al patíbulo. That’s a good answer.

The ideal series will open the trainings of Chivas, pero de devastadora pandemia lo impide. Since the practice was carried out several times, the player felt he was more compliant, more certain that he would not be publicly injected.

Hoy, between vacations and private training stadiums, does not have any accounts. Its desvergüenza is salvo. But, it’s time to face responsibility.

Alguien, equivocadamente, piensa que mantenerlos occultos, escondidos, a salvo, ayuda a los jugadores. It helps that the footballer is being apprehended, cobbled together, and has his bochornos in the can. It’s just what you need to know.

Solution? Read the moment when confronting affection and media, the aficionados and the idiots. Please note that advertising is not a form of proverbialism. Trepar a dos o tres jugadores diariamente a careos con fanáticos y reporteros es una punctual de de recordarles que juegan en Chivas.
