five ejaculations to be given in solo form with the weight of your body

One of the best things that CrossFit has is that it can be rolled out to multiple owners in order to be able to use sports equipment no.

It is possible that at these times the correct option to train in a gymnasium or the CrossFit box for that in this article we teach five crossFit acquisitions for those who do not need any material, only your corporate weight.


The male dominates, along with the remos, a basic traction movement. Although CrossFit practices it more securely than acabes realizing dominated with kipping as in the video, it is important to realize a strict manner.

Coloca las manos en la barra un una anchura ligeramente superior a la de tus hombros. Once the bar has been set, the movement should not start with an inflection of codes. sino with a descent of the scapegoats and allowing the pitch to orientate ligatively move the bar first.

While this is a bit of a gesture of flexing the codes and trying to lower the bar with the unlucky pitch, the same thing happens that it finally touches the bar to the height of the star approximately.

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Saltos al cajón

The somersaults in the cajon are a great asset to include in our training or WODs to characterize more cardiovascular and metabolic.

In the first place, separate compartments of the neighborhood have a distance that allows us to walk with security over the property. With 20-30 centimeters is enough.

The initiation of the movement has been flexing our frames and extending our male buttocks backwards, so to speak, launching our braces at the back of our body to generate inertia with them at the moment of somersault.

The flexion of the cadre provokes the erection of our glutes and sciatic nerves which will release all its tension when the extent to which we release our braces is advanced. The gesture of catapulting the brazos to the front gives us an inertia to grant a more efficient jump.

Handstand push-ups

If CrossFit is practiced, then the temperament will tend to burn into a WOD where the famous handstand push-ups are included.

The movement does not have to be another thing because a vertical press, but to move an object around our cabbage, somos nosotros los que empujamos nuestro cuerpo lejos del suelo estande cabeza abajo.

It is ideal for empowering to practice this movement and to make complete approaches to this movement more difficult to condition our monks and codes. For these we can do pike push-ups and diamond push-ups.


The burpees do not require presentation, as they are one of the most visible in the CrossFit session in functional training classes all over the world.

The premise is very basic: we agacharnos, support manos and pies in the sole with our body extended like a table, realize a flexion of brazos and become incorporated by a somersault.

The muscular mass involved is much because the pulsations of the throat on the other hand disappear.

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Pistool hurk or sentadillas to a pierna

The sentadillas to a pier probably have the most complicated technicality of the ones we explained here. No solo requires a strong base of force in the lower train without a good articular mobility and control neuromuscular.

To get the first steps with the squats pistol can be attached to a box including the help of a support or cord that you assist in the movement. Including usa zapatillas with algae of tacos as the halterophilia can be of great utility.

En Vitónica | Solo with a couple of men can do CrossFit training: five exercises for a complete routine

En Vitónica | Five EMOM routines to take shape with this CrossFit training

Images | iStock

Videos | CrossFit, Reebok Training Center
