Fiscalía presents 16 conviction elements for cargoes for delinquency organized against counter (s), Pablo Celi, and other lawsuits | Politics | Notice

The hearing of cargo formulation will take place at the National Court of Justice, which will take place at 19:00 on the last day of March and will conclude with the work of this week.

Official versions of the General Contraloria of the State (CGE), documents that signal the procedure for the application of various glosses and an International Criminal Legal Assistance by the United States under the 16 elements of conviction presented by Fiscal General Diana Salazar, Last Night of March, to formulate its wording of charges against the subrogant general controller, Pablo Celi de la Torre; The President-in-Office of the Presidency, José Augusto Briones, and others are being prosecuted for the crime of organized crime.

Salazar in the final of the diligence insistence that the delinquency organized by the formula cargos is part of a tram of acts of corrupt corruption in the interior of the CGE, the public company Petroecuador y en la secretaría Generaal de la Presidencia of the Republic. The cargo-making hearing will take place in the mezanine one of the Corte Nacional de Justicia (CNJ), which will take place at 19:00 on the last day of March and will end at 01:30 on Wednesday.

Juez dictates preventive prison for control (s), Pablo Celi and six other people appearing in Corte Nacional

Al juez Felipe Córdova Ochoa le tomo más de una hora y media analyze the arguments heard in audience and finally order the preventive prison of the controlling Celi, of his husband Esteban Celi; of the President of the Presidency José Augusto Briones and his son Luis Augusto Briones; Silvia L., Ángelo R. en Andrés L. Todos deberán cumplir la orden en la denominada Carcel 4, located north of Quito.

In exchange, for Natalia Cárdenas, exas- tor of the petroecuador Pablo Flores, the national court determined the periodic presentation each day in the secretariat of the Penal Hall of the CNJ from the 19th of April next, the use of the electronic grill and the ban on the health of the country: while that Elsie Cueva did not dictate any meditation and ordered immediate freedom.

Fiscalía resalto el que el juez de la causa haya akogido el pedido prienón pravione en de medidas cautelares que hizo, y por lo que se disposo la immovilización de cuentas, que se officie a la Superintendencia de Bancos, la prohibition de enajenar bienes he will be employed by the Registrar of Property and Mercantile in all lands.

New people against women are charged with the crime of delinquency organized by detainees in an operation that is arranged poco después de las 22:15 del lunes último con detainees and allies in the cities of Quito, Guayaquil and Samborondón.

Fiscal Salazar to be consulted regarding the participation of the auditor (s) This is the case under investigation, the function explained that the mechanism used in this tram of corruption is apparent as observed in the case of the Governor – General of the State, Carlos Pólit. “Consistency in the desanability of the words used in the subrogation of the organism”, he points out.

Support and authorization to disqualify vouchers involving control (s), Pablo Celi

Ante la orden de prision preventive y el inicio of a 90-day tax instruction, Jorge Luis Ortega, Deputy Attorney General Pablo Celi de la Torre, adelantó who will present the respective appeal to the media cautelar disposition, until there is a Tribunal of the CNJ that is the case Córdova Ochoa issues the order of imprisonment of manner founded on no.

According to Ortega, the versions presented by the Fiscalia are not correlated with the other elements expended by the Fiscal Salazar and, in addition, indicate that the United States International Criminal Assistance is not valid until Pablo Celi has received some kind of economic benefit that habrían desvanecido had a supuesta disposition of Celi.

“Whoever subscribes to these resolutions because of the irregularities of these glosses are the other employees of the CGE and not the controller Pablo Celi”, Ortega refrains, at the time he recorded desvanecimiento de estos glosas son subscripts in a resolutions dated August and September 2018, months that, in particular September, dijo, the controller will hold a service commission outside the 8th to the 20th of September 2018.

Respect for the situation as subrogant general controller, Ortega assures that in the next hours solicitation, with cargo for vacations, a license, then it will prevail the normative vigilantes, and will hope to know what it is pass with the preventive prison that was verbally indicated during the hearing.

“If the preventive prison is confirmed by this appeal, it will tend to be resolved in another way. (For example) tend to present the meeting or quiz pronounce the National Assembly respects and who cares and comes encapsulates the Contraloría ”, mentions the defender of Pablo Celi.

Please note that the attorneys of the litigants explain that during the misdemeanor rape of their clients serían llevados desde la zona de assururiento de la Unidad de Flagrancia has Cárcel 4, has at the moment the authorities have not officially confirmed that it is known that it has been transferred. (I)
