Fiscalía has requested information in Spain on suspects of transactions from Recinos and Alabí, published by Factum

“The solicitation of information from Recinos, Alabí and Sánchez-Brunete in Spain is the first novelty of fiscal investigation”, said the publication. Hace poco, an informe of the Department of EE.UU. reflects that in the government of Bukele there are no indications of corruption, all over the country during the pandemic.

Investigations into the manner in which the Governor of Public Prosecutions during the pandemic followed in populace. The focus is now on the Presidential Commission of Carolina Recinos and the Minister of Health, Francisco Alabí. Proof of this is that the General Fiscal Office of the Republic (FGR) has requested information from the Ministry of Justice of Spain on the issues of “illegal negotiations in high-profile countries in 2020”, according to the Revista Factum.

The digital periodical ensures in its publication that the Fiscalía has received information from the Spanish emperor Francisco Javier Sánchez-Brunete Herraiz, who is the sole administrator of Javi Performance Parts SL, a sales company repuestos que sale to the Ministry of Health (Minsal) for $ 12 million in medical expenses.

“The request for information from Recinos, Alabí and Sánchez-Brunete in Spain is the first novelty of the $ 155 million fiscal investigation into public medical and food sums during the pandemic. The international assistance assistance is on the stage of the investigation at the Recinos Commission, which moves the hilos of various decision-making decisions of the Executive, and which has taken the step of the cabinet increased by the initiation of the emergency. She defended the contracts made, over 17 irregularities that the Salvadora press sacred in the light, ”said Factúm.

VER: Spanish company that sells medical supplies to the Governor of El Salvador has not done anything since 7 years

What do you know about the moment?

Excuse of the Presidential Commission

The Fiscalia invests the purchase of food services and the excommunication of the presidential commission Recinos, Blanca Judith Meléndez Portillo, for $ 549,359.41. Meléndez Portillo is the owner of Herberth Orlando Recinos, a staffing firm, in addition to the Fondo Managing and Cooperation Manager.

In July 2020, it was announced that Meléndez Portillo would appear as contractor of the Ministry of Security and Justice, following the second information on the management and execution of guests in order to await sanitary emergence.

The Ministry of Security will receive the so-called “Acquisition of food supply for staff that supports the Food Emergency Plan” in the wake of the national emergency decree issued by the COVID-19 pandemic for a total amount of $ 549,359.41, following the publication of El Diario de Hoy.


I also wrote a message a publication of El Diario de Hoy, the 13th of April of this year, the Governor of El Salvador closes a contract where he agreed to this Spanish company 1,500,000 mascarillas, 150,000 medical gabachones in sterile and 300,000 caretas in sterile. All for a fee of $ 5,085,000. Without embarrassment, the purchase increased to $ 11,927,050, according to documentation submitted to the Legislative Assembly.

Edification of the Javi Performance Parts SL company located in Getafe, Spain. His owner does not hesitate to negotiate the millionaire deal with the salvadoran governor. Photo: EDH / Archive

“The order of purchase 148/2020 of the Unit for Acquisitions and Institutional Contracts of the Ministry of Health increase the purchase of 1,500,000 KN95 type mascarillas at a cost of $ 2.04 each; 150,000 gabachones are not sterile at a price of $ 8.00 each; and $ 300,000 acrylic carets at $ 2.75 a year. That totals $ 5,085,000 in the final. The document establishes that the money will be donated to the ‘Fopromid Donation Funds’. On behalf of Gobierno firm Francisco José Alabí, Minister of Health, and Javier Sánchez Brunete Herraiz, as Administrator of Javi Performance Parts SL ”, EDH announced in a July 2020 publication.

Podrías leer: Ministerio de Seguridad dio contrato de alimentos of $ 550,000 per presidential president

The fact is that according to the Adenda No 0000098, the company was required to present insurance and loans, and to have a requisite required for the suppliers as a guarantee.

“To be a provider of extraneous goods, it is realized early on and in an ‘exceptional’ manner does not require the presentation of a good guarantee of early inversion”, it is established in the document that Revista has and is a company owned by Alabí.

This series pays with the proceeds of donations from the Civil Protection, Prevention and Disaster Management Fund (FOPROMID) which allows the establishment of institutional processes in LACAP. The Veeduría Ciudadana Committee has revealed that this procedure was used by the Government to manage the $ 607.1 million approved by Parliament without any control over public funds.

Además: Salud consists of $ 11,927,050 in health care companies that sell cars in Spain

Pero eso no es todo, “Francisco Javier Sánchez-Brunete Herraiz, segun el Registro Mercantil español, siguió moviéndose en el mundo de los negotias tras venderle insumos al Gobierno salvadoreño. On the 19th of August 2020, it was announced as the solidarity administrator of PROMAUTO 2020 SL, a maintenance company, sale and repair of motor vehicles and repairs of repairs. Días después, on September 9, 2020, registered the company JSB Medical Supplier 2020 SL, for trade, exports and imports of electronic devices, sanitary products, office furniture, among others. The same also applies to the Madrid Trading Comercio 2020 SL company to start medical and other product negotiations ”, describes Factum.

Francisco Alabí, the speaker of Health during the pandemic

The Minister of Health presumably consists of $ 225,000 in medical expenses for his family and the cargo of Celina Quiñónez, who is Alabí’s politician and mother of her first cousins ​​José Ángel, Gonzalo and Violeta Montoya Quiñónez.

In addition, Minsal has sent to the CICIES the document that constitutes the purchase of oil bottles by the company previously mentioned in the Autodo company.

The purchase consisted of 26,000 pairs of branded shoes “Tornado” has a unit price of $ 7.50 each to include IVA, including the order of purchase that appears in the electronic system of purchase of the State called Comprasal.

In an investigation of Gato Encerrado it is revealed that the Minister of Alabí signed the order of purchase 133/2020 and in this case is also the firm of Celina Quiñónez, in its capacity as representative of the company Autodo SA de CV, but the detail is that Senator Quiñónez is the subject of tío del Ministro.

According to the periodic investigation, the political policy of the Minister of Alabí, is the president and legal representative of Autodo, a company dedicated to the sale of vehicles for vehicles. While Alabí’s first and foremost heights, all appealed to by Montoya Quinonez, appear as members of the Employment Directive, according to the National Register of Registers.

We recommend: Minister of Health consists of $ 225,000 in medical expenses for his family

In summary, the Alabí Minister constitutes with funds from the State Products for the use of the Ministry of Health that presides over a company of his parents.

Además, in a report by the Corte de Cuentas reveals that the Minsal paid for the purchase of a house for use as a content center, the furniture is the property of Ángel Montoya, Prime Minister of Health and if it is done, it will never be used for the final stipulation, the Gobierno pays $ 12,000 per lease.

He was admitted by Alabí in the Special Commission of the Assembly: “In effect, Angel Montoya has a family relationship”.

These are some of the main halls of corruption that exist in the midst of the authorities and where the Gobierno officials are involved.

Compresses during the pandemic, in the mirror of EE.UU.

A report from the United States Department of State of the fact that during 2020 Nayib Bukele’s governing body has strong indications of corruption, particularly in the direct actions to investigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Dicho, it is clear that the legal salvadoreño castigate the misuse of public recourse, “corruption and permanent impunity endemic”.

In particular, the State Department of Multiple Periodic Reports reports that Nayib Bukele’s governor has been charged with irregularities and alleged acts of corruption in the acquisition of medical and basic drugs to combat the COVD pandemic product industrial numbers.

“In June, July and August (2020), the local press will report on irregular government purchases, staff protection teams and others to combat the COVID-19 pandemic,” the report said.
