Fiscalia exhumó corps sin vida enfermera que faleció por covid-19 y evidencio que los restos humanos eran de un hombre

Image of archive of members of CTI of the Fiscalia carrying out an exhumation in Colombia / (EFE / Luis Eduardo Noriega A. / Archive).
Image of archive of members of CTI of the Fiscalia carrying out an exhumation in Colombia / (EFE / Luis Eduardo Noriega A. / Archive).

There are also months of hope that transcend those of the relatives of the barren nurse Marilyn Pérez pidieron al Cuerpo Técnico Investigativo (CTI) of the Fiscalía General de la Nación exhumar the carcass that reposaba in the cement Jardines de la.

Taking into account that the infirmary failed on July 6, 2020 while having covid-19 contact, his desperate aspirants will receive his body to be delivered, but he will be rewarded with an improvisation that he has not given to the day he was declared.

She works in the Materno Infantil Hospital of Soledad, Atlantic, and forms part of the first line of battle against the covid-19. On the other hand, Pérez is interned at the El Prado Clinic recovering from respiratory illness, but the failure to produce a confusion entrains the corpse of another person to the Funeral Garden of the Eternity, a cargo of the sepulcher of the victim.

In principle, the exhumation is not permitted by the risk of salvage that involves the process of treating a coronavirus virus. Without embarrassment, by order of a juez of the Republic, the process during the March 3 March should be postponed.

With the intervention of the CTI of the Fiscalia, the authorities found the family of Marilyn that the remaining human beings were held in the cemetery Jardines de la Eternidad corresponded with the body of a man, who in fact was identified with the number of José Muñoz Visbal .

Contending with the judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice, preceded by the tutelage received by the Pérez Hernandez family, the High Court upholds the order of the Fiscal 66 Section of the Barranquilla Public Security Unit to approve and in effect the alleged crime of Marilyn Pérez and to be able to present the case where to find his corpse.

However, investigators are transferring the human remains to the Institute of Forensic Medicine, but it has been reported that the case will be leaked to Marilyn Pérez’s body.

Meanwhile, Eliana Pérez, Marilyn’s husband, said that she had been notified of the suicide, she and the rest of her family were in the hope that the authorities would deal with the body search.

Declarations of the victim’s data were sent by the FM radio broadcaster, stating that the family had the expectation of finding Marilyn’s remains in a distinctive cement. This is Eliana:

This is what happened to a lot of people who said that I had these days, at the moment I was giving up their corpses, the ones that were known as disappearing, my husband was staying at this camp, as we were confirming the clinic. Meet with the lord who is also lost; now we have the fairy and the hope that in the other camp santa, where supuestamenta was already spelled the lord that we will find, so we will find in my hermana

I have asked questions and raised actions against the disappearance of Marilyn’s corpse in the El Prado Clinic, The Barranquilla Health Secretariat, which has been given the go-ahead to initiate an investigation, will allow it to impose liability and sanctions on those affected by the families involved..

Meanwhile, in the case issued by the Supreme Court of Justice today, the order of archives of this process, which was decreed on August 28, 2020.

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