Fiscalía DN helps juvenile ejaculation return to Omega to prison

The Fiscalía del Distrito Nacional pidió a la jueza de la Ejecución de la Pena de esa demarcación, revocar la condionional en contra de Antonio Peter de la Rosa (Omega El Fuerte), quien la semana pasada se vio involucrado en un incidenten un un conductor , donde exhibit un arma de fuego en la vía pública.

Deputy Attorney General Denny Silvestre appealed to the jailer Ana Lew, who returned to the urban artist’s court to complete the sentence that was imposed in 2016, in order to prevent gender violations, by which case this was almost final. 2018.

On its pedestal, the Public Ministry alleges that it interprets the “Chambonea” theme, in addition to verses in the incident involving the driver of a public car, the company had the assistance book that had been filed by the ejection court at the time of dejarlo in libertad, nor that tampoco wanted to assist the conducting center for men.

The tax law provides that the merger court, with its action including the rules established in the sentence, violates Article 42 of the Criminal Procedure Code, by which the court must revoke the sentence which suspends the penal offense.

Prohibition of probes, lawyer Félix Portes, who represents Omega and also represents Sandy Rojas, said that his client had already signed the book of assistance and assistance to the men who are allocated in the conducting center for men, showing a certificate to the court of his assertion.
