Fiscalía and Corte de Cuentas examine the distribution of parcels in Mexico, señalan diputados | El Salvador News

Wetgewers val saam en que los packets son comprados con diner de prestamos que “pagaremos todos los salvadoreños”. Because it is necessary a thorough investigation to know who the order is.

Tras known the entry in Mexico of more than 1,500 food parcels from the Governor of El Salvador, information provided in a publication of El Faro, deputies of the Assembly of Legislators expressing that the General Taxation of the Republic (FGR) as the Court de la República (CCR) deben de actuar de oficio, debido a que los packets fueron comprados con pristosos prquiridos por el Gobierno salvadoreño para dar responsa a la pandemia del coronavirus.

The boxes that are distributed in the municipality of Tlahualilo are printed on the logos of the Governor Salvadoran, of the Emergency Sanitary Program (PES) and have labels such as “Bienestar Social”, according to the publication of El Faro.

FAR: Paid food parcels with taxes on the salvadoran fueron entregados in Mexico

“This notice with serious implications is necessary that the CCR and the FGR are investigating. These packages include the necessary miles of families in poverty. These packages are bought with money from the priests who pay for all the salvadoranos. It is necessary that the investigation be carried out in order to know which order and which (officials) are involved ”. demonstrated the deputy René Portillo Cuadra, President of the Special Commission to investigate the collocation of titles and awards in the market of the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the deputy Jorge Shafick Hándal, of the FMLN, said that it was not uncommon for Gobierno’s administration to have “some kind of benefit”, with the State’s appeals.

“We do not know how to maintain this relationship with the Governor and mandate the packages to go with the money of the Salvadorans. It does not occur to me that the corrupt are occupying money, valiantly using the resources of the State to make a campaign, favoring friends, relatives. This is called corruption, ”he said.

Hándal agrees that “he who is the candidate of all (Mexico) who has connections with the Governor of here, in order to see who has the management to obtain the quays. Fiscalía debe de prosecute of office to investigator como fue que ese material fue a dar allá (México) cuando supuestamente is un beneficio para salvadoreños en el de pandemia ”

“I am occupying the depths of the more than 1,700 deaths in order to carry out its corruption,” Handal said.

In Mexico also under investigation

The publication of the Faro reveals that the packages were made by Juan Carlos Cazares Sandoval, who appeared as an aspirant to the Tlahualilo Alcaldia on behalf of the Morena party.

VEA: It is urgent that the United States helps to combat corruption in Central America, according to the study

Following the publication of El Faro, the report was released on December 24, 2020 and was published on the official Facebook page of the candidate in question.

In Mexico, the users of the Module de Riego 06 of Tlahualilo, where furiously distributed food parcels, carried out a thorough investigation into the case of the 1,500 food canisters carried by Juan Carlos Cázares Sandoval. And this is not the first time that these foods have been introduced: indicating that the mediators of the year, also produce products of the basic cana pero in the first use fue in bolsas, now fue in cajas and with escudos with the number of other pais.

In December 2020, the Minister of Agriculture and Ganadería, Pablo Anliker, did not specify the amounts that will be allocated to the food canteen purchase. The salvadoran deputies questioned about the coincidence of data in the case of the reserve of basic granules, and that the Presidential House demonstrated that it included $ 30 million and products, but the information was that the inversion was $ 23.4 million.

Gobierno guards silence over entry into Mexico and announces food supply lawsuit

El Gobierno salvadoreño did not burn explanations about what he had packaged food parcels in Mexico, paid for by the salvadoreños.

In addition, the Presidency’s Secretariat announced the release of a 625 tonne food supply for the Sanitary Emergency Program (PES). He ignored the scandal caused by the breakdown of food packages.

Foods that are eligible for the Sanitary Emergency Program (PES) will be paid with the money of the salvaged donors; because it caused so much that in Mexico they distribute their packages.
