Fiscalía allana Ministerio de Salud and a list of the benefits of anticoronavirus | Politics | Notice

The diligence is carried out by the dioceses when the ex-minister of Salud Juan Carlos Zevallos amplifies the exterior of his version.

La Fiscalía General of the State allanó este miércoles the installations of Ministry of Public Health (MSP).

The unit informs that in the operation it receives information about the evacuation plan that is applied from the first step and the list of beneficiaries of the current phases and 1, said that on three occasions he had left an incomplete list, without the names of the people he had immunized.

In Ecuador, the application is currently phase 1, directs the general health staff, major adults, teachers, strategic sector staff, among others.

I concluded the cereal phase, in that estuvieron included sanitary personnel including the pandemic in hospitals and major adults living in gerontological centers.

The trial has been criticized and he has received questions about the small amount of dose he has taken in the country and because people he has not prioritized with the Government and he has received the dose. Including llegó al ámbito judicial.

In contrast to Zeus, various denunciations are presented regarding the distribution of vacancies in the face of coronavirus.

From the outside, Juan Carlos Zevallos, from the previous version of the General Tax Office

The stagecoach is one of the few days after that exministro de Salud Juan Carlos Zevallos, via telematics, amplify your version and three weeks later and that the salary of rumbo pais in the United States has been renounced.

On February 27, the functionary left the country. Travel to the United States.

According to Fiscalía, the alliance is as part of the diligence that invest in Zevallos and other persons for criminal offenses against the public administration.

The latest versions are available in the last hours that have a detailed record of the evacuees, which is supposed to exist information that has been hidden and that will serve for the investigation that lives ahead ”, indicated in his official account of the Fiscalia.

In its Twitter account the entity dio to know other diligence.

Fiscalía explains that the applications that are practiced to the devices and equipment used by forensic computer techniques that no interference by no means in the processes of the Ministry Register. (I)
