Fiscal taxpayer reporting General Cienfuegos exonerado in Mexico

CITY OF MEXICO, MEXICO.- The next day Mexico will sue the state authorities to publish the 751 pages of the case against the Mexican Secretary of Defense Salvador Cienfuegos, the Mexican tax authorities that the exoneraron will publish his own version, even though he has so many pages tachadas that it is impossible to know what he has discovered.

The report published the domingo by the General Tax of Mexico includes a tram of 226 pages in total, followed by a few more than 275 pages.
Fragmented scripts with less edited text, all names and images appear on tap.

LEA: EE UU: No evidence of conspiracy to commit assault on Capitol

The Paris authorities have problems in controlling the donation to the reputation of the judicial system, even though the tax authorities are delaying five days in completing the General Retreat. of sobornos.

The President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, It has given credibility to the state of the state investigation, and its governing body has published the state tax documentation, sent to Mexico when it went to China for a week as a diplomatic concession, in order to carry out an investigation in its country.

The Department of Justice of the United States states that the full publication of these violations is a legal aid treaty and makes it clear that the United States may continue to provide information to Mexico.

There is also a great deal of security relations between both parties, despite the governor’s decision to restrict the activity of state agents and retaliate against the administration, including the fact that Cienfuegos will have to go to his country and not judge.
López Obrador said that although many Mexicans come to the tribunals as institutions without a doubt, the people in charge of this professional work investigation.

The fragments visible from the new report published in Mexico Paris listen to petitions to the Ejército that investigate the credibility of the accusations and collect the statements made by Cienfuegos.

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For example, one of the legible documents was a report from a military communications officer. The official, whoever appears tachado, says that he has not officially assigned the BlackBerry device from Ejército to Cienfuegos has not seen more.

The 751-page document that state authorities shared with Mexico consisted of a large number of BlackBerry messages intercepted by those traffickers and described the failure to treat a person to whom the “El Padrino” menus were identified and identified by investigators.

López Obrador has relied heavily on Ejército for a series of projects that are more than just security, and his governing body has responded to the military indictment by the Cienfuegos detention, denouncing that the authorities do not have informed information.

Cienfuegos was detained in October in Los Angeles, but the state governor withdrew his charges against him in November, noting that Mexican authorities are planning to restrict the activity of state agents.

The published documents include an intercepted conversation between the leaders of the H-2 card, based on the Nayarit’s pacified state, and an agent who allegedly sued the general.

In a text message conversation, Daniel Silva-Gárate said to his wife, Juan Francisco Patrón Sánchez, that various men with military style cards were escorted by the Department of Defense to the City of Mexico for a meeting with “El Padrino”.
Silva-Gárate tells his wife that “El Padrino” has a habit of having great things with her.

Patron Sánchez said that he wanted to operate on molestations in the maritime routes to transport the drug from Colombia, and his answer was that his conversation partner stated that he would steal it, the “free” series cape and “only the van to operate reference to redadas of the authorities.

“Que usted duerma tranquilo”, añade Silva-Gárate a su jefe sober la respuesta de “El Padrino”.
In other conversations it is described supuestas offers of Padrino to organize a boat that will help to transport drugs and to present to the traffic to other officials. También reconstruction has helped other road users in the past.
