Fiscal ends to present political juice against Trump in Senate

(CNN) – The Chamber of Deputies’ Political Juice Taxes will terminate this case by arguing in its case that President Donald Trump called for an insurgency. This day will be a day to remember when it comes to displaying video of the violence and disruption of the United States Capitol while the Senators declare it guilty in the Senate.

The images are never before seen by the Capitolio’s security cameras obliging senators to review the attack and launch new and escalating details about the series will be arranged to represent all of the Capitol, including

Various Republican senators will be clear on Wednesday after the night is scheduled to take place, but we will also signal that we will not change the form in which Trump plans to appear before the final judicial decision.

Republican Sen. Mike Braun, of Indiana, said the video was “fascinating” and said that “it is difficult to accept it as it is.”

Así huyó Mitt Romney de la turba en el Capitolio 0:56

When the question was presented and the presentation of the markets affected the form in which the vote took place, Braun replied: “No, because he saw, he believed, the mayor’s”, and he added: “I believe that it is good to revise, but it is not here mark the difference for any senator simply by wanting to see new ».

Republiek van die senator, Chuck Grassley, de Iowa, Dijo: «Es un poco difícil beskrywe» al referirse a los videos showrados en el Senado, calificándolos de «situación horrenda». But when the question arises and tend to have an effect on his vote, he says: “Listen, I must provide all the information”.

Trump’s accusations in his second political juices

In addition to transmitting the video, the taxpayers are part of the prime minister’s argument that Trump participated in a campaign of months of lies to his party members that the election was robbed, which provoked them to lie about the false pretense that the results were fraudulent. and they incite to violently interrupt the pacific transfer of power.

“Donald Trump commits a massive crime against our Constitution and our people and violates the cargo of presidential jurisdiction,” said Jamie Raskin, chief fiscal chief of political justice. “Debe ser condenado por el Senado de Estados Unidos”.

Once the tax authorities conclude the presentation, the legal team of the president will begin his refutation.

Trump’s attorneys, Bruce Castor and David Schoen, tend to have up to 16 hours – during these days – to present a more detailed case against the cargo of political juice from among the four, although it is not hoped that it will be used at this time.

Washington alerted by Trump’s second political trial 1:28

The mercury, Castor remains important to the video for the trial, saying that the tax offices of the Chamber of Representatives do not connect the acts of the agitators with the president.

“I do not know what to expect.” We know that a turbo is lying on the Capitol and causes streaks in the edification. I’m hoping he’s connected with President Trump and has just passed, ‘said Trump’s spokesman.

When it comes to the premise that the video has an emotional impact on the jury, it says: “Tendría has an emotional impact on any jury. Pero hay dos caras de la moneda y no hemos jugado la nuestra ».

Trump’s legal team has argued, it is now clear, that the Chamber of Deputies’ taxes are ignoring Trump’s comments on January 6 that the protests should be pacified, while affirming that he called the parties a figurative political discourse. protected by the First Enforcement.

As Trump’s team concludes, the Senate tends to have four hours to get written by the legal teams, and the tax authorities de la Cámara podrían solicitar una votaion para escuchar a los testigos. But it is not clear if it is planned.

– Ted Barrett, de CNN, contributes important information.
